Alternative to PuTTY Connection Manager?



Development of the free application Putty Connection Manager that can display more than one Putty sessions stopped in 2009, and it sometimes triggers this error when I double-click on any host in the right hand-side list:

PuTTY Connection Manager/An unexpected error occured : 

Object reference not set to an instance of an object..

When that happens, I have to reboot :-/

Does someone know of an alternative?


Posted 2011-03-10T22:45:42.253

Reputation: 5 153

Question was closed 2013-03-26T14:51:59.323

About this error, you just need to tick the options : "Show tray icon when minimized" and you won't see this error anymore. – William Remacle – 2011-04-28T07:52:29.963



SuperPuTTY works great and I've moved over to it. Also check out KiTTY, an 'improved' PuTTY:


Posted 2011-03-10T22:45:42.253

Reputation: 25 670

Thanks for the tip. Apparently, unlike Putty Connection Manager, SuperPutty requires creating new items in its Putty Sessions list, but it's easy enough. – OverTheRainbow – 2011-03-10T23:43:40.283

Yes, you have to redo all your connections, but new ones appear immediately in the list. – Linker3000 – 2011-03-10T23:51:54.083

2I guess SuperPutty is based on Putty Connection Manager, and suffers from the same issues (ALT-TABbing to it doesn't work very well, and CTRL-TAB doesn't work to move around open windows within SuperPutty). – OverTheRainbow – 2011-05-02T08:55:13.307

1Superputty doesn't save username/pass or have login macros :( – Joe Coder – 2012-04-20T10:33:42.753

Just a few updates, SuperPutty (as of now incorporates fixes for some of the above issues. Note that I'm testing with KiTTY, but Alt-Tab now lets you resume typing in the PuTTY window, and Ctrl-Tab changes tabs left-to-right. As for username/pass, I've found a better solution is public/private keys with Pageant. Login macros are missing, although you can supply a script file to run in PuTTY via -m path/to/file. – brymck – 2013-06-26T06:40:06.463