Tag: keymap

66 Notepad++: Ctrl-S does not Save, instead inserts [DC3]; Ctrl-F inserts [ACK] 2010-11-15T17:01:26.877

54 How to re-map command and option keys on Mac OS X with a PC-keyboard? 2009-12-09T17:21:00.787

47 Keys all switched on keyboard 2016-04-04T13:19:39.073

44 How to swap the "fn" use of Function keys on an Apple Keyboard in Linux 2009-12-07T13:01:49.290

36 Synergy Key Mapping 2010-01-01T21:59:03.643

36 How to change console keymap in Linux? 2011-05-29T06:26:28.503

26 Permanently change default language and keyboard settings - what am I missing? 2013-09-17T07:52:18.323

23 Mapping Super+hjkl to arrow keys under X 2010-01-15T16:38:41.117

23 How to map the Caps Lock key to Escape key in Arch Linux 2013-03-16T02:57:57.650

22 How can I type a backslash with no backslash key? 2014-01-15T01:30:20.697

15 Swap Control and Caps Lock on Windows 7 2011-06-03T22:18:55.857

14 Remap FN to another key 2009-07-15T07:25:28.783

14 Map Caps-Lock to Control in Windows 8.1 2014-06-07T07:03:44.280

13 In Linux, how can I map SHIFT_L/SHIFT_R when pressed without additional key? 2013-01-04T23:47:09.157

13 Remap keys without xmodmap or any X tools 2014-03-16T00:24:58.710

12 Mapping Left Alt key in Vim? 2010-03-18T21:59:35.193

10 How do I make Mac OS X remember "Modifier Keys" remappings for my external keyboard? 2010-11-19T13:40:16.487

10 How to get the key name to be coded for keymap in vimrc? 2011-01-20T03:20:50.000

9 How to use the ALT key in a Virtual Box guest session? 2014-02-01T19:01:01.227

8 Linux 'compose' key sequence extensions 2009-12-25T15:10:39.117

7 Remap "next song" key in ubuntu to work with spotify and wine 2009-11-18T12:08:53.950

7 Rebinding Keys on a Dell Keyboard 2010-01-09T04:02:09.627

7 Control-Backspace (unix-kill-rubout) for readline? 2010-01-14T04:26:31.320

7 Remap caps lock to escape in OS X 2010-02-07T10:27:08.233

7 Map Context-Menu key to Alt Car (right) 2010-08-15T00:15:02.210

7 Enable Function Keys on OSX 10.6.8 with Razer Anansi 2012-10-11T04:25:15.850

7 Any ideas why Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator 1.4 refuses to work properly on my Windows 7 Professional 64-Bit? 2017-04-10T04:20:05.453

6 F3-F5 keys incorrectly behaving as audio keys 2010-04-17T02:02:11.830

6 Switch the keys caps lock and shift 2010-06-20T14:15:53.977

6 xmodmap how to remap keys and disable the original ones? 2018-02-19T16:11:40.167

5 How can I have my Windows keymap on Mac? 2010-01-24T19:59:32.447

5 Which keymap should I use for a wired Mac keyboard in Gentoo Linux? 2010-03-16T01:48:16.940

5 How to remap a NERDTree shortcut in VIM 2010-04-04T23:45:09.763

5 Remapping right command key to right alt in Mac 2011-07-21T19:39:00.533

5 Mapping Ctrl+Arrow for Home/End/PageUp/Down 2012-10-11T15:28:14.997

5 windows 8 tablet keyboard has no pause break key 2012-10-18T21:16:25.893

4 Vim Hotkeys For Specific File 2009-09-28T07:05:46.233

4 Bind/map Character to alt+[some key]? 2009-12-23T23:52:21.677

4 Is it possible to bind a windows key combination to currently open application? 2010-03-25T19:09:49.040

4 How do I type a single tilde (~) on a French keyboard 2010-09-08T14:00:39.663

4 Japanese Keyboard 2010-10-26T09:23:01.530

4 How to map keyboard to mouse buttons in OS X 2011-11-20T21:59:33.963

4 Mapping s-tab in vim 2014-06-14T22:08:10.547

3 Backspace in Google Chrome not "back to last page"? 2009-09-11T13:08:19.330

3 Vim: go to beginning or end of the visual area 2010-02-26T21:02:51.577

3 Remap laptop brightness keys to Fn + Arrow keys 2010-07-21T01:51:19.893

3 Application-specific keymapping 2010-10-14T13:07:55.707

3 Can I change the mouse button bindings in Netbeans? 2011-10-28T22:23:41.140

3 Ctrl+h causing backspace instead of help in emacs on cygwin 2012-01-07T20:09:09.713

3 How do I change the XRDP keyboard layout to en-gb in Ubuntu 12.04? 2012-06-14T14:23:44.473

3 Iso_level3_shift key not working in Firefox (Linux) 2012-10-19T13:56:30.923

3 Setting Multimeda keys and volume knob on Dell Mutlimedia Keyboard using KeyRemap4MacBook? 2013-04-14T23:35:14.737

3 Extending Vim Mappings to Run N Times 2013-05-12T19:00:19.743

3 Linux Mint (Mate): use xkbcomp to load a keyboard layout on startup 2013-09-12T19:27:03.087

3 Remap OS X Option/Alt key in Windows 7 VirtualBox VM 2014-04-17T03:39:01.750

3 keymap swap underscore and dash 2014-07-24T15:42:59.760

3 My VIM basic imap mappings have no effect 2019-10-23T13:38:53.213

2 What key works like End using a Mac with Synergy 2009-10-24T18:10:55.423

2 Apple keyboard key remapping under Ubuntu 2009-10-27T20:32:09.213

2 How to remap AltGr key in KDE 4.3.2? 2009-12-06T18:26:08.677

2 Remap keys for one specific program under Linux 2010-02-05T20:49:52.067

2 Remapping Home/End from PC to Mac Via Synergy is not client specific 2010-03-31T22:54:58.170

2 How do I make Home / End keys behave Windows/Linux like in Terminal.app on Mac OS on Mac Pro laptop? 2010-04-16T06:01:20.843

2 How to change key mappings in Cygwin's Vim 2010-04-30T20:17:59.567

2 Key for controlling synergy on Mac 2010-09-15T20:41:25.703

2 Keymap changed Enter key function to Backspace 2011-08-11T07:30:47.573

2 Should I learn Vim without mapping keys? 2012-01-31T02:47:54.270

2 Mapping Up/Down arrow keys in bash 2012-08-14T09:02:29.427

2 How to map PageDown and PageUp Keys to function normally 2012-09-27T09:11:29.990

2 Curly braces with LCtrl+LShift+LAlt+è - how? 2013-05-19T10:53:06.207

2 Configuring xkb so that left winkey is an additional left alt 2013-08-07T13:10:17.283

2 startxwin.exe is failing in cygwin on Windows 7 with keyboard initialization failure 2013-10-13T22:36:58.417

2 How to remap Enter as a right control modifier in Win 8.1? 2014-11-23T21:47:06.493

2 Permanently remap a key to an other xubuntu 2015-01-08T15:49:13.140

2 Windows 10 Xbox streaming - Keyboard and mouse? 2015-07-09T22:12:57.183

2 Shift+Ctrl+Tab not working in chrome with mapped Caps Lock key in Windows using SharpKeys 2015-08-12T15:50:01.357

2 Backspace key in Microsoft Outlook 2010 2015-10-17T15:03:06.060

2 Is there a way to map FN to MenuKey without outside software? 2016-07-21T15:18:36.470

2 Change Z and Y on an English keyboard on Win 10 w/o buying software 2017-02-08T17:28:21.437

2 What causes the scancode offset when using setkeycodes? 2019-09-08T12:36:25.417

1 Pressing E yields a euro sign "€" instead. What can I do to fix this? 2009-11-12T21:06:22.360

1 GNU Screen: using VT100 ASCII codes 2009-12-06T06:00:33.580

1 Bind "media" keys on MacBook keyboard to application menu items 2009-12-07T14:46:38.047

1 Mac OS X and Spaces, assign to keys 2010-01-26T17:04:28.177

1 How do I remap ctrl-j to ctrl-c on ubuntu? 2010-03-19T07:07:30.317

1 Insert a newline in a perl -e statement? 2010-03-24T08:50:57.837

1 Vim: Bind <C-Enter> 2010-04-29T15:34:04.703

1 Keyboard not working correctly on laptop 2010-12-24T21:09:11.320

1 Arrow keys not functional in Ubuntu Virtual Machine on Windows 7 2011-03-10T18:55:59.030

1 Map keyboard keys in Mac OS X (Unix) 2011-08-29T14:13:53.090

1 map a command with vim 2011-09-13T07:56:34.927

1 alt keys stopped working on X11, how to fix? 2011-10-16T18:27:25.487

1 Changing the Keymap in Ubuntu 2011-11-02T18:19:30.940

1 Cygwin - How do I remap X-term keys? 2011-11-27T11:07:20.907

1 Key was mapped but key is in password, can't login into Windows 2012-03-01T02:26:02.397

1 Mapping the Left Alt key to Control and Alt Gr to just Alt 2012-04-22T00:01:45.410

1 tmux - how can I map new keys for the window (pane) cycle? 2012-06-21T17:10:21.700

1 Truly ergonomic and Mac OSX 2012-07-11T18:02:32.543

1 How to change keymap on native console? 2012-11-24T20:01:05.637