Tag: iterm2

185 With Bash + iTerm2, how to name tabs? 2012-05-02T19:08:06.097

122 How can I get control+left arrow to go back one word in iTerm2? 2011-11-14T18:43:20.670

64 Setting iTerm2 as the default terminal (OSX Lion) 2012-01-17T11:16:44.387

50 How do I get the numpad to work in vim using iterm2 on osx with term=xterm? 2013-03-13T10:23:10.217

45 Color scheme not applied in iTerm2 2012-03-11T22:02:04.523

44 Is there a keyboard shortcut to alternate between color schemes in iTerm2 2012-04-20T00:22:48.087

42 How can I partially clear my terminal scrollback? 2013-04-01T16:01:03.820

39 iTerm 2 window resizing 2013-04-12T11:03:08.047

39 Disable Cmd+Enter on iTerm 2 2013-05-27T23:13:19.680

34 iTerm command click to open with Atom 2015-10-15T19:38:49.660

33 Increase/Decrease Font Size in iTerm2 2015-02-12T09:37:26.657

30 Mac OS X: Command-Tab doesn't switch back to fullscreen app 2012-03-24T06:52:14.050

30 Remote server, iTerm2, and tmux integration 2014-04-14T23:15:11.570

30 Where is the .zshrc file on Mac? 2015-03-06T00:09:44.383

28 Disable autocomplete hints on iTerm2 2016-06-16T10:56:50.803

26 More crisp font for iTerm on OSX 2012-08-03T15:46:30.390

26 “^[[O” and “^[[I” appearing on iTerm2 when focus lost 2015-06-24T07:05:10.353

22 Can I use the `<cmd>` key in terminal Vim at all? 2012-02-09T12:08:07.707

22 iterm2 - open new tab with same profile 2013-06-13T12:21:08.340

19 ALT+arrow moving between words in zsh and iTerm2 2012-05-21T20:16:20.237

18 Powerline Patched Fonts on OSX 10.9.3 - iTerm2 & Chrome 2014-06-01T16:10:37.550

17 Programmatically set the color of a tab in iTerm2? 2012-03-22T15:33:15.410

17 Rename Iterm2 tab from within tmux 2014-01-15T18:28:01.607

17 iTerm2 (version 3): Individual history per tab? 2017-08-28T23:21:29.630

16 How to open Go2Shell preferences in Mac OSX? 2012-06-09T14:48:32.620

16 Is there any way to set the default font to 16pts in iTerm2? 2015-09-03T23:18:36.087

15 iTerm2: Alt-Dot functionality with Cmd-Dot 2014-01-19T14:50:38.727

15 How can I prevent the iTerm2 hotkey window from losing focus? 2016-07-14T18:24:52.783

14 iterm2: Ctrl-C doesn't work sometimes 2017-02-15T04:11:26.733

13 iTerm2 Vim alt+right/left arrow 2013-09-02T16:27:16.100

13 How to automatically restore window arrangement from last time in iTerm? 2014-03-08T14:10:55.733

13 Mouse click only works once with iterm2/tmux/mosh 2015-02-25T20:15:16.763

12 Vim configuration slow in Terminal & iTerm2 but not in MacVim 2012-03-19T15:59:14.383

11 Select full word in iTerm2 using alt + shift + arrow 2016-03-11T16:19:59.413

10 Is it possible to use vim key bindings in iterm2? 2018-09-21T13:10:42.200

9 Open multiple tabs in iTerm2 with a specific directories 2013-06-08T20:02:31.330

9 iTerm2 shows up on every Space. How to keep it from doing so? 2013-10-12T07:23:44.073

9 iTerm2 pin Visor (hotkey) window 2014-08-23T08:19:19.153

8 iterm2 cannot toggle fullscreen when in 'top of screen' mode 2012-03-27T14:23:39.667

8 How to identify the terminal from a script? 2013-12-04T18:12:31.943

8 mac os x byobu vertical split using iTerm, tmux, zsh 2014-04-22T08:57:57.087

8 Unintentional vi mode in iTerm on Mac? 2014-11-14T15:56:36.183

8 iTerm2 hotkey window activates non-hotkey windows 2015-03-30T19:52:34.560

8 Copy the output of the last command in iTerm2 2017-08-03T05:15:15.163

7 How do I stop automatic changing of iterm tab titles? 2011-10-06T18:56:11.270

7 Customize text editor and terminal to use non-monospaced fonts without the horrible results? 2011-11-15T07:42:09.573

7 How can I remap Control+e to Escape+Control+e in iTerm2? 2012-07-05T17:36:04.943

7 Fancy colored rendering issue on osx 10.8 retina with iTerm 2012-09-20T17:19:51.730

7 How to make command+arrow go to begining and end of line in iterm2? 2013-04-20T22:31:37.730

7 Split window programmatically with iTerm? 2013-09-19T17:55:04.663

7 How to restore my iterm2/zsh session after restart? 2014-04-04T06:31:12.423

7 iTerm2 Background image and split panes 2014-08-27T19:42:57.803

7 Delete iTerm saved window arrangement 2015-06-04T18:25:25.193

7 OS X 10.11 (El Capitan) Making Zsh Very Slow 2015-10-04T00:16:06.510

7 iTerm 2 ZSH colors/themes not showed correctly 2016-04-04T12:46:39.947

7 How do I move a split pane to a new tab in iterm? 2016-10-17T10:18:56.800

7 Iterm2 : how to display status bar 2019-04-08T07:58:13.003

6 iTerm2 vim cannot map alt key 2012-12-10T16:54:39.563

6 Add sound to keystrokes in iTerm2 / zsh 2013-05-12T17:35:58.937

6 How do I change iTerm2's visual bell to just a flashing screen? 2013-12-23T06:49:39.167

6 GNU screen changes vim syntax highlighting colors 2014-08-19T17:43:07.083

6 Command-L "Clear to the previous mark" equivalent in iTerm2 2017-03-23T23:01:57.300

6 Moving mouse in iTerm causes characters to be to printed to prompt 2017-07-02T15:30:11.283

5 Use iTerm2 and Mac OSX 10.8.3 to open tabbed shells to specific systems 2013-07-30T19:59:50.317

5 How do I send Ctrl-; in iterm2? 2014-03-20T14:53:53.567

5 Coloured commands in iTerm 2014-04-23T04:12:42.160

5 Disable mouse reporting in a terminal session after tmux exits unexpectedly 2014-08-25T13:31:32.090

5 Can't scroll back after cat with mosh, tmux and iterm2 setup 2014-12-12T01:12:23.617

5 Scrolling up and down in tmux session on OSX iTerm 2 and Macbook Pro 2015-02-04T08:16:51.687

5 Command Line: z is installed but can't find the command 2015-11-10T23:45:39.683

5 iTerm2 fullscreen causes an empty line at the bottom 2016-02-12T18:03:18.240

5 Why does iTerm paste when I left click in the terminal 2018-07-12T12:45:05.770

4 Can't compile tmux with iTerm support 2012-05-07T00:59:49.303

4 disabling 'full screen mode' in Lion (to use transparent full screen iTerm2) 2012-08-26T07:07:29.887

4 OSX: Possible to use Total Terminal with iTerm2? 2012-12-07T15:57:40.267

4 How do I set iTerm as the default terminal in OS X? 2013-08-03T23:21:04.520

4 How can I trigger a notification from a remote terminal in OS X 2013-09-13T18:49:01.483

4 Find out current iterm2 color scheme? 2015-06-26T00:10:20.930

4 Name a tab in iterm2, even with pane splits 2015-06-26T23:48:04.383

4 In iTerm2 how can I automatically connect to an existing tmux session using -CC? 2015-10-06T23:59:01.810

4 Scrolling up in iTerm2 shows previous Vim sessions 2016-01-05T15:20:52.770

4 iTerm2 -> ssh -> gnu screen -> split window: scroll wheel not working 2016-02-05T14:45:52.420

4 Fish terminal + iTerm, only run shell integration if terminal is iTerm 2016-05-03T20:44:07.917

4 Zsh prompt with current working directory 2016-08-03T16:59:55.983

4 Can I display whitespace characters in iTerm2 2018-05-03T21:39:00.263

3 iTerm2: How to get output of a shell command with applescript 2011-12-14T16:09:17.450

3 iTerm2 zsh oh-my-zsh open tab with same directory 2012-05-30T08:03:55.313

3 Keyboard shortcut for switching panes in tmux in iTerm2 on OS X 2012-07-25T16:05:30.567

3 iTerm 2 running tmux session causes "startup disk almost full" randomly 2012-12-19T00:53:05.433

3 How to setup iTerm “Visor” option like TotalTerminal? 2013-01-07T10:47:44.197

3 How to create iTerm2 color schemes? 2013-02-18T19:20:08.667

3 Setting non-contiguous text selection on iTerm and Chrome in OS X 2013-05-01T20:24:26.917

3 Iterm2: Automate sending text to shell upon start 2014-01-13T06:37:23.670

3 Setting custom (Powerline) fonts in the default OSX Terminal app 2014-04-25T20:39:53.067

3 iTerm2 2.0 Unable to resize the main window 2014-07-16T06:17:16.140

3 iTerm2 performance vs Terminal.app 2014-10-03T04:06:19.380

3 iterm2: save all shell output and view without escape characters 2015-09-23T02:46:42.650

3 tmux text cut off by split line using iTerm2 2016-05-19T12:50:17.643

3 How to remap clear buffer to delete all lines in Iterm2? 2016-08-15T14:55:11.427