Tag: iis-7.5

14 Allowing Remote Connection in IIS on Windows 7 2011-03-07T22:47:20.917

8 IIS 7.5 Windows Authentication Not Working in Chrome 2012-08-07T14:16:54.070

8 What, exactly, is "Default Website"? 2014-10-13T13:31:58.497

6 Username in the address for an FTP site 2011-11-29T12:30:02.247

6 Upgrading IIS7 to IIS8 2013-10-04T05:06:40.917

6 IIS blocks certain keywords in DokuWiki 2015-06-05T20:33:50.593

3 IIS Aborting Requests 2012-01-23T15:00:00.433

3 Stream video from a computer to a tablet 2012-09-03T14:08:08.247

3 Why can't I connect to my IIS server, running on my PC, via public static IP? 2013-02-15T01:08:38.433

3 Require only specific client certificates in IIS 2014-01-14T18:09:49.690

2 Comparing files that differ by extension .php and php5 2011-05-23T15:55:22.397

2 How can I use an own asp page as 404 error page on a Windows 7 pro IIS 7.5 local installation 2011-06-20T14:45:33.287

2 "Unable to start debugging on the web server" MSVSMON.EXE failed to start error in Visual Studio 2010 2011-09-29T11:34:18.030

2 Can't connect to local IIS on Windows 8 2012-09-26T07:00:33.940

2 Can't access IIS over a LAN in both ways 2012-12-24T05:02:28.777

2 How to sort by file's modified date on IIS web server in Windows 7? 2013-06-30T22:17:50.520

2 IIS 7 returns 404 for all requests 2014-10-01T07:36:18.970

2 Cannot connect to my website from local network connection but can with an external network connection 2015-10-22T01:29:11.040

2 How can test whether my IIS hosted server can communicate via TLS 1.2? 2018-07-02T06:00:45.767

1 Cannot install IIS Administration Pack for IIS7 2009-12-14T19:33:22.263

1 IIS will not install on Windows 7 Pro 64 bit 2010-02-23T11:22:35.100

1 IIS7.5 SSL Question, Safari users get a prompt of certificate to select 2011-01-11T09:22:55.163

1 Fresh install of IIS, HTTP Error 401.3 - Unauthorized? 2011-09-20T06:47:43.187

1 How to enable ASP Classic in IIS 7.5 2012-01-27T22:41:27.587

1 Script for Bits Uploads - Allow clients to upload files in IIS7/IIS7.5 2012-06-17T16:43:38.307

1 Disable 'Default Document' feature in IIS 2012-08-18T16:26:36.720

1 Whitelisting HTTP traffic on Windows Server/IIS 2012-12-18T13:18:28.050

1 Port Forwarded, still cannot see IISExpress webserver 2013-01-01T10:34:45.640

1 Ubuntu Server with win2k8 Server VM to Host IIS Site Issue 2013-05-07T12:15:19.153

1 Certificates not accessible while there are no active logins on webserver 2013-08-13T15:40:43.223

1 Where are the connection files for IIS Manager for Remote Administration? 2014-12-09T19:01:52.760

1 How to setup hostname to website in local IIS with HTTPS 2017-07-18T15:35:58.853

0 IIS7.5 and .NET 4.0 FTPWebRequest 2011-07-06T16:03:19.937

0 Subdomains and IIS 7.5 2011-08-16T06:29:30.517

0 Windows Media Center does not have an Internet connection 2011-09-07T14:17:06.547

0 Setup IIS 7 as FTP Server that is connectable outside of my local network 2012-02-05T04:29:58.307

0 What time format does IIS record its logs? Where do I find the setting? 2012-04-04T02:37:46.140

0 Not able to find IIS Manager and enable IIS in Windows7 Home Basic 2012-07-01T17:10:04.470

0 Windows 7 FTP server not able to serve large files to mac? 2012-07-11T22:45:44.577

0 Possible SQL injection 2012-10-03T23:20:34.237

0 Where do I see IIS 7.5 after installion? 2013-02-10T07:12:52.373

0 Can't disable IIS 2013-03-08T17:49:48.213

0 Safe to publish port 80 on IIS 7.5 webserver? 2013-03-11T11:37:01.283

0 Web sites on IIS 7.5 for local network only 2013-11-22T06:25:49.653

0 How does one stop a website in IIS 7.5 2014-12-09T19:00:08.897

0 After windows update the IIS7.5 has no permission to read config file 2015-01-25T15:48:18.340

0 RDP, IIS, SQL Server no longer working 2015-08-10T21:38:35.000

0 IIS 7.5 Configure default location for FTP user account Not specifically named according to user account 2016-01-26T23:15:45.563

0 How to establish remote connection to IIS 7.5 server 2016-05-09T11:41:15.297

0 unable to uninstall and install IIS and windows process activation roles on server 2008 r2 2016-06-18T11:14:05.297

0 Unable to connect to website when host machine is connected to Access Point 2016-09-25T22:09:43.320

0 IIS 7.5 URL Rewrite to HTTPS not completly working 2018-01-18T07:43:17.043

0 Accessing the database is very slow from a hosted website and fast when accessed from localhost 2018-06-20T18:24:39.390

0 IIS 7.5 SMTP Relay - sends held mail when stopping 2019-10-29T08:56:35.183

-1 How can I host my website over the internet with dynamic IP address 2013-01-01T06:38:13.337

-1 Create a persistent mapping for a apppool identity 2014-10-16T10:24:44.323