IIS Aborting Requests


For some users of an application, IIS is aborting the request to the server, including me. I type in the URL, and it just stops, doesn't even process. FireBug reports the request was aborted. But I see successful logins to the application by other users. Any tips for debugging these types of issues? It seems very odd.


Brian Mains

Posted 2012-01-23T15:00:00.433

Reputation: 189

Yes, you need to debug IIS logs.. Look at the timestamp when you try and go there.. and it should log why its aborted, failed the connection. Most likely a certificate problem.. is your date/time set correctly on your machine? – Piotr Kula – 2012-01-23T15:27:32.597

Date/time - yes, that's fine. I'll look into the certificate, but oddly enough, no errors in the log... – Brian Mains – 2012-01-23T17:24:06.183

Use Fiddler, inspect the request and response packets.. see what is happening.. timing out? or an actual error.. If there is no error log maybe there are just too many request per second? – Piotr Kula – 2012-01-23T17:25:42.543



Check if you have any "URL Rewrite" rules that can filter your request.

Also check if you have "IP Address and domain restrictions" configured. In IIS manager: click your website, "IP Address and domain restrictions", check any rules there. Also check the "Dynamic restriction settings". This module is an anti-DDoS thing, that can block you as a false-positive.

Repeat both steps at parent level (in IIS manager).


Posted 2012-01-23T15:00:00.433

Reputation: 360