Tag: ide

17 How to change brace position in IntelliJ IDE? 2014-08-02T16:28:09.443

13 Is it possible to view two files simultaneously in Geany? 2011-03-12T06:48:22.427

11 How to change to new themes in PyCharm? 2014-01-09T21:13:57.697

7 How to change default debug perspective in Eclipse? 2012-06-27T11:41:36.250

7 vscode change linenumber color 2017-01-12T16:22:36.800

6 jVi alternative that supports .vimrc 2012-08-21T12:58:44.163

6 Can't edit files in Eclipse even though not read-only 2012-11-21T18:24:09.277

6 Show full build output in CLion 2016-04-14T19:48:36.793

6 Why Selenium IDE is not officially supported in Google Chrome 2017-01-15T10:28:01.353

6 no Theme Selector on SQL Developer 17.3 2018-02-02T21:40:32.053

5 How to disable line highlight in Visual Studio 2010? 2011-10-04T02:45:04.190

5 Increase the font size on Sublime Text 2 status bar? 2012-09-02T08:35:21.573

5 Does WebStorm have a "Code Cleanup" feature like ReSharper has? 2013-03-08T19:32:18.450

5 Should I use Xcode 6.1 beta, or Xcode 6.0 GM? 2014-09-10T13:07:24.607

5 How to backup Visual Studio 2015/2017 layout? 2017-12-10T17:49:36.853

4 What free online alternatives are there to FrontPage? 2009-09-01T21:34:34.330

4 IDE for assembly on pendrive 2010-01-30T19:41:44.733

4 NetBeans not able to include files 2010-05-18T19:20:21.120

4 TextWrangler show Folder path 2012-04-04T14:39:16.160

4 Different size text for different lines: GVIM or any other IDE 2012-08-13T11:04:19.053

4 How can I select a default interactive console in PyDev? 2012-10-12T09:04:38.280

4 IPython plots show up in IDLE 2012-10-23T07:57:36.457

4 Possibilities of splitting Notepad++ into more than 2 windows 2013-10-29T13:41:58.000

4 How to jump to top or bottom of script with keyboard shortcuts? 2013-12-17T14:57:13.667

4 IntelliJ IDE: How to add one or more margins 2014-01-18T05:28:00.567

3 Komodo Edit - How to disable the 'Linter' for a language? 2009-10-19T01:58:25.053

3 Does NetBeans have automatic code-completion for C++? 2010-09-04T16:45:12.653

3 C# Code Editor which does not require Admin Privileges to Install 2010-10-13T06:29:41.210

3 Eclipse: open file in external editor only temporarily 2012-04-13T16:52:15.543

3 What is that green bug icon in Pyscripter? 2012-08-05T20:32:42.523

3 Specific font_face based on syntax in Sublime Text 2 2012-08-24T02:20:46.100

3 SQLManagementStudio - Available databases combo box in menu - can't find it in Tools/Customize 2013-01-07T12:06:33.930

3 How can I get FTP/Remote Editing on Sublime Text on Windows 7 (open source)? 2013-02-26T02:28:56.983

3 Eclipse - support for multiple editor perspectives 2013-07-23T20:32:32.153

3 Highlighting start and end tags? 2017-02-07T07:28:10.457

3 Self-closing parentheses in text editors can be annoying - how to deal with them? 2018-02-11T22:12:27.847

3 How to prevent VScode from closing editor when pressing ctrl+w with no tabs open? 2019-05-03T20:10:32.023

2 Is there a TextMate bundle that includes a pane to manage bookmarks across files? 2011-03-17T15:33:36.830

2 How to change the default highlight color of a property in the Aptana-pydev? 2011-04-27T18:20:58.870

2 Arduino IDE "launch 4j" error 2011-05-24T18:22:13.947

2 How can I change default VB script editor 2012-04-02T20:04:00.500

2 How to open Python files in IDLE by default? (Windows) 2012-07-30T21:37:04.450

2 Files last modification date 2012-09-10T14:08:01.283

2 Application to group windows together 2012-09-30T11:19:30.483

2 How do I make the tab-key expand abbreviations for emmet in eclipse? 2013-03-13T08:16:46.203

2 Is there a way to use an external computer's compiler and fetch results? 2013-04-07T13:10:40.247

2 BSOD - Hollow file with actual size 2014-01-18T18:27:35.640

2 Why in 'tech-wars', the main actors are almost always only two? 2014-05-26T08:56:59.703

2 path completion in major IDEs 2014-08-07T13:37:23.173

2 open file from Cloud9's terminal (bash) in its IDE 2014-08-08T01:42:17.233

2 How do I remove the rainbow colours from the gutter in PhpStorm? 2014-08-18T23:31:07.857

2 How to make sublime text editor highlight left bar area on active code block 2014-11-02T10:38:53.093

2 How to run .js file in Eclipse IDE for JavaScript Webdeveloper? 2015-06-05T07:31:44.263

2 Intellij Idea - how to run plugin 2015-10-15T10:40:43.763

2 Is there any way to change webstorm file color? 2015-10-22T08:21:13.693

2 How to change LiteIDE menu language? 2015-12-18T13:04:25.143

2 Setting up IDLE with Python 3 in Fedora 2015-12-21T00:08:25.793

2 How to change the tool for the "open in external editor"? 2016-05-23T20:10:19.040

2 How to select next instance of selected text in Webstorm? 2016-09-26T23:49:58.140

2 On Linux, which IDE can provide debug output in a separate window for a dual-monitor setup? 2017-07-03T20:47:24.070

2 How can I create a new package in Intellij 2018 2.2? 2019-07-03T02:45:34.090

2 Manage Docker container files from IDE 2020-02-12T13:08:50.313

1 How can I use Zend Studio for Java development? 2010-03-17T13:29:25.603

1 How to make Visual Studio 2008 work in a clean way for C++? 2010-03-28T05:44:19.970

1 Using gVIM as a replacement for Visual Studio 2010-06-10T09:10:46.537

1 Linking to lua libraries w/ codeblocks on linux 2010-06-18T18:08:31.053

1 Flattened package browsing in Vim 2010-07-01T15:40:38.870

1 How to set the font in Sparx Enterprise Architect 8 Script editor 2010-09-13T13:32:21.177

1 Why is XCode's "Open file" window behavior so erratic? 2010-09-19T10:20:59.483

1 NetBeanse IDE reports 'No suitable compilers were found on your system' 2010-10-20T10:08:48.713

1 GFortran with Visual Studio 2010 as IDE 2010-10-23T15:32:42.470

1 Applications that execute PHP snippets 2010-12-02T11:16:24.160

1 eclipse .conf files coloring syntax (highlighting) 2011-03-30T21:03:53.750

1 Getting CDT as an Eclipse plugin 2011-06-24T02:33:34.733

1 PowerShell ISE as C editor (like gEdit with embedded terminal)? 2011-07-30T15:21:26.390

1 Making phpStorm default editor of php or other supported files in Ubuntu 2011-10-18T03:55:49.740

1 Tooltips for custom function signatures in TextMate 2012-02-22T12:00:32.980

1 What is the name of the this DOS font? Where and how to add it? Why is there a 1 pixel gap? 2012-03-15T02:13:34.327

1 Development environment for Linux wireless using sparse 2012-06-18T07:41:19.060

1 SQL syntax highlighting and code completion in Eclipse PDT 2012-07-05T13:11:50.987

1 Netbeans can not search JSP files 2012-07-20T20:57:49.337

1 Linux Embedded Controller editor 2012-08-06T19:14:01.040

1 Jump to the next line that has a statement after an if() 2012-08-08T15:40:56.253

1 Visual Studio 2010 - Double slash in Target name 2012-08-19T15:10:33.307

1 Change tab or open CSS file on SCSS build in Sublime Text 2 2012-09-15T03:49:42.750

1 Intellij setup git macro 2012-09-21T08:57:31.943

1 Do any Javascript IDEs support automatic error highlighting (like the Eclipse Java IDE)? 2012-10-02T03:20:53.747

1 Emulator that can view website's mobile version 2012-12-30T21:12:24.773

1 Why do annotations been added for PyDev not work? 2013-01-21T14:35:16.917

1 PHP files in an HTML5 project 2013-03-06T19:15:41.627

1 How to get curly braces autocompletion in Visual Studio 2012. C # 2013-03-07T14:54:45.057

1 How to enable cloud9-latex-plugin 2013-04-30T11:35:20.723

1 What function is M-. (for following functions through TAGs) bound to in emacs? 2013-11-22T19:29:07.243

1 Open current file in external editor 2014-02-01T18:44:34.833

1 visual studio 2012 project creation failed 2014-04-10T15:05:19.797

1 Make Delphi IDE insert new code at the bottom of the editor 2014-08-07T14:57:58.057

1 Improve performances of PhpStorm 2014-11-14T12:12:23.693

1 Python IDEs stopped working 2015-03-02T18:17:37.697

1 Visual Studio layouts aren't saved 2015-06-03T15:50:27.910