Eclipse supports syntax and error highlighting for JavaScript. Just be sure the JavaScript Development Tools (JSDT) are installed.
If you have a package of Eclipse that doesn't include the JavaScript Development Tools, go to Help->Install New Software... Select the repository from the dropdown menu (or add it if it's not there). (This is assuming you're running the latest Juno version of Eclipse. Other versions will have a similar repository though.)
You can type "JavaScript" in the filter text box or locate JavaScript Development Tools under Programming Languages. Check the box next to the tools, hit next, agree to the licenses, finish and you're good to go once Eclipse restarts.
You will likely want to change to the JavaScript perspective for an optimal experience while programming in that language. Window->Open Perspective->Other... Select JavaScript in the list and hit OK.
I now realize that this question is off-topic here. It should instead be migrated to
– Anderson Green – 2015-09-12T16:38:41.530i believe xcode has the ability to do that, what are you using, mac or windows?' – pneumatics – 2012-10-02T03:48:06.047
I'm using Linux right now, but I also have Windows installed on my computer. – Anderson Green – 2012-10-02T04:06:00.410
It appears that Aptana supports this feature:
– Anderson Green – 2012-10-02T04:10:46.927Also, the cloud9 ide makes it possible to quickly jump to an error (which can't yet be done using Geany.) – Anderson Green – 2012-10-02T19:33:05.323