Linux Embedded Controller editor


Does anyone know of an Embedded Controller editor for Linux?
I currently use Read & Write Utility When using Windows to set my fan between 25%-50% because without it my laptop idles at 50°c

When using Linux however the fan simply never turns on and the computer turns off because of overheating after two minutes.

I already know what byte to edit on the Controller I just don't know of an Embedded Controller editor for Linux.

Any help is appreciated thanks.


Posted 2012-08-06T19:14:01.040

Reputation: 19

The word "editor" can be ambiguous without a modifier. Most people think of text editor. You seem to asking about a memory hex editor. Such a capability is more common in boot or memory programs, e.g. U-Boot, than under a kernel that protects memory. You are really asking an XY question. Why not try to turn on the fan in the bootloader, before memory protection, i.e. the MMU, is enabled? – sawdust – 2012-08-06T20:04:43.807



You can use vim and xxd:

vim -b some_binary_file

The -b open it in binary mode - vim won't put a newline at the end of the file when you save it.

Once you have it open, do


Say you have a text file with these contents:

  Hello there this is a test blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

Running :%!xxd in vim will produce hex output like this:

1 0000000: 4865 6c6c 6f20 7468 6572 6520 7468 6973  Hello there this
2 0000010: 2069 7320 6120 7465 7374 2062 6c61 6820   is a test blah 
3 0000020: 626c 6168 2062 6c61 6820 626c 6168 2062  blah blah blah b
4 0000030: 6c61 6820 626c 6168 2062 6c61 6820 626c  lah blah blah bl
5 0000040: 6168 0a                                  ah.

To edit a byte, edit the hex value you want, and then run

:%!xxd -r

To convert the hex bytes back to binary format.

For example, changing the first 0x48 byte to 0x4a in the hex output above:

1 0000000: 4a65 6c6c 6f20 7468 6572 6520 7468 6973  Hello there this
2 0000010: 2069 7320 6120 7465 7374 2062 6c61 6820   is a test blah 
3 0000020: 626c 6168 2062 6c61 6820 626c 6168 2062  blah blah blah b
4 0000030: 6c61 6820 626c 6168 2062 6c61 6820 626c  lah blah blah bl
5 0000040: 6168 0a                                  ah

and then running :%!xxd -r will convert the hex bytes back to binary format, which gives you this:

Jello there this is a test blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

Hope this helps


Posted 2012-08-06T19:14:01.040

Reputation: 271

This doesn't make sense. – TheWanderer – 2015-05-02T02:13:02.667


If your Embedded Controller is based on BusyBox, then there is a very small version of vi.


Posted 2012-08-06T19:14:01.040

Reputation: 1 810