Tag: csv

203 Easiest way to open CSV with commas in Excel 2012-03-31T20:39:58.817

130 Is it possible to paste CSV formatted data into Excel 2007? 2010-08-04T09:38:41.860

129 How can I stop Excel from eating my delicious CSV files and excreting useless data? 2011-01-19T01:08:37.963

99 How to get Excel to interpret the comma as a default delimiter in CSV files? 2013-06-11T11:04:23.967

98 How to open semicolon delimited CSV-files in US-version of Excel 2010-08-26T13:02:14.410

93 How do you force excel to quote all columns of a CSV file? 2010-04-13T19:17:39.483

86 How to set character encoding when opening Excel 2011-05-08T02:42:23.303

64 Formatting a comma-delimited CSV to force Excel to interpret value as a string 2011-08-03T08:39:00.187

46 Lightweight CSV viewer for Mac? 2011-02-25T15:00:10.570

41 Converting CSV to fixed-width in Notepad++? 2010-03-16T09:32:06.123

38 How do you change default delimiter in the Text Import in Excel? 2011-06-01T10:05:41.030

35 How to force Excel to open CSV files with data arranged in columns 2011-01-28T14:26:36.507

31 Can I create an Anki deck from a .CSV file? 2014-01-08T18:03:41.597

30 Querying a CSV file 2009-07-17T14:58:43.167

25 How to export selected columns into csv file 2012-03-27T18:26:16.037

24 What is the "sep=" metadata you can add to CSVs? 2014-06-26T09:14:04.807

23 How to join two CSV files? 2009-08-20T23:22:53.243

23 How to convert Excel file with multiple sheets to a set of CSV files? 2014-11-17T18:50:17.197

22 Unix command to get number of lines in a CSV file 2014-03-19T16:29:14.917

22 How do I stop Excel from converting value 0503E000 to 5.03E+02 automatically? 2015-01-07T20:44:09.617

21 Light text editor for CSV file? 2010-03-14T01:49:03.197

21 Excel does not honor the delimiter setting for reading or writing CSV files 2014-10-28T14:37:59.380

19 What's the difference between - CSV (MS-Dos), CSV (Macintosh), CSV (comma delimited) 2012-02-02T18:07:19.023

19 Open a .csv file in Excel and have it update whenever .csv file changes 2013-01-12T09:09:53.560

19 How can you change Mac excel 2011 to separate using commas, not semicolons? 2015-10-19T13:50:13.160

18 How can you make Excel 2007 stop formatting large numbers as scientific notation? 2009-09-08T20:04:01.153

18 How to control CSV import into Excel 2010 2012-03-03T09:23:27.813

17 How do I export only visible cells from Excel to CSV? 2012-09-18T09:35:51.423

17 Excel save-as CSV options -- possible to change comma to pipe or tab instead? 2014-07-14T17:49:35.060

16 True difference between Excel CSV and Standard CSV 2011-06-26T09:05:23.823

15 Saving filtered results from an Excel workbook to a CSV file 2009-11-05T09:56:10.277

15 Excel: Is there a registry setting to suppress the warning messages when saving spreadsheets in CSV format? 2009-11-20T20:48:26.850

15 Saving a file in a CSV type in Excel always removes the BOM 2010-07-26T23:14:03.687

15 Why does excel always say "..may contain features that are not compatible with CSV" when saving a CSV file? 2011-04-07T18:10:43.513

14 Difference between CSV and XLS files? 2010-06-19T08:59:32.310

14 Importing CSV into Excel with commas in quoted fields 2011-07-11T11:33:21.070

14 Notepad++ - Removing the first column in a comma separated file 2012-08-03T11:20:58.480

13 How do I get Excel to import a CSV file with commas in some of the content fields? 2009-10-07T10:04:22.657

13 Excel CSV import treating quoted strings of numbers as numeric values, not strings 2013-03-19T16:21:08.017

13 Excel often save .csv files as tab delimited format. What happened? 2016-12-19T10:44:32.137

12 How do I get excel to not mess around with the formatting of a .csv file 2011-07-01T13:21:41.880

12 Interactive console based CSV editor 2012-10-23T21:52:41.283

12 Increase size limit of data import from csv into Excel 2013-01-28T13:07:52.297

12 Disable prompts in Microsoft Excel when saving a CSV file 2014-02-03T22:32:11.643

11 Looking for a very fast to load lightweight csv viewer 2010-08-07T17:46:51.273

10 Compare two spreadsheets and get missing records 2012-06-30T04:35:52.323

10 "Save as csv" not available 2017-05-16T10:40:30.480

9 How to avoid double quotes when saving Excel file as Unicode? 2011-10-24T11:42:05.197

9 Why is Excel removing leading zeros when displaying CSV data? 2012-06-01T22:30:00.480

9 How do I split one row into multiple rows with Excel? 2013-08-17T19:02:43.217

9 Excel save behaviour of CSV file with UTF8 encoding vs UTF8-Bom encoding 2017-04-28T11:06:48.697

8 Unix command-Line CSV viewer 2011-03-29T13:21:08.737

8 Sorting numerically in a comma-delimited file with Unix 2012-08-27T15:38:22.843

8 Editing CSV files in Ubuntu 2013-02-13T19:13:46.820

8 LibreOffice is saving CSV files with tabs as separators 2014-02-15T12:26:22.203

8 Convert tab separated values to ASCII table 2017-12-20T12:13:06.527

7 Excel 2007 is converting CSV fields into formulas 2009-07-29T14:36:46.090

7 Transforming CSV file using sed 2009-10-10T14:46:58.430

7 Break up a large CSV file 2010-01-21T01:00:00.510

7 Importing multiline cells from csv file into excel 2011-08-05T16:02:29.813

7 How to stop Excel Treating US dates as UK dates? 2012-04-04T09:35:37.923

7 Export Office Excel table to csv using a macro 2013-01-25T03:57:56.267

6 Copy value in Open Office Calc 2011-05-23T21:35:41.527

6 Importing first line of TXT files to a spreadsheet 2012-06-22T14:15:08.170

6 Excel adds double quotes on csv export 2015-01-20T13:39:48.923

6 How to split a CSV file into multiple files based on a text string? 2015-08-01T01:03:32.893

6 WPS Office CSV Delimiter - Linux 2018-03-19T09:53:59.097

5 How can I convert SAS data files into something simple like CSV data? 2009-10-12T18:36:36.380

5 Set CSV import default to UTF-8 in Calc 2010-03-15T12:06:54.627

5 Saving to CSV file always adds quotation marks in OpenOffice 2011-09-15T10:18:06.117

5 How to write "NULL" into CSV from Excel for blank fields 2012-02-15T02:00:55.267

5 Edit csv file with Excel without reformatting 2013-01-23T04:23:07.043

5 How can I convert a .txt file to .csv format without using Excel? 2013-04-12T00:33:27.957

5 Excel 2007 doesn't preserve asian characters when converting to csv 2013-08-29T18:58:17.653

5 Space or tabs as separator in CSV 2013-09-20T08:56:45.563

5 Semicolons when creating a CSV file instead of colons 2013-11-07T20:30:29.770

5 Disable prompt when opening a CSV file in LibreOffice/OpenOffice Calc 2014-02-04T17:08:00.620

5 IE9 not prompting to save downloaded CSV file, opens in Excel 2014-06-27T19:53:05.087

5 What's the quickest way to parse and display a `.csv` file? 2014-07-02T07:29:58.850

5 Images in CSV file don't show up in Anki 2014-08-08T00:54:38.533

5 Grep to filter gigantic CSV file 2014-10-17T02:28:35.710

5 excel: export csv file with japanese character 2015-01-29T16:48:39.597

5 How to export a spreadsheet to a UTF-8 .csv from Excel 2016 on mac? 2015-08-23T12:03:50.913

5 Rename CSV header using command line tools 2016-01-15T10:31:00.433

5 Read CSV using pandas with values enclosed with double quotes and values have comma in column 2017-03-03T10:20:22.937

4 Read data from separate CSV file in OpenOffice Calc 2010-02-24T09:49:21.813

4 Export to csv options using Numbers 2010-06-28T10:48:46.950

4 Custom CSV (.csv) filter for OpenOffice.org or LibreOffice? 2011-01-29T13:51:44.497

4 How to set a character limit and remove characters over that limit excel 2007 2011-06-16T14:09:46.783

4 Excel 2007 save import steps on csv file? 2011-06-20T13:39:38.967

4 Transform Fixed Width to CSV? 2011-08-25T14:44:14.203

4 How to break a spreadsheet containing CSV into multiple columns? 2011-12-04T19:33:31.470

4 ODBC Query cannot be executed because it is too complex? 2012-01-18T02:10:41.870

4 Export to CSV From Excel 2012-01-24T16:19:14.683

4 How to export multi-line cells to CSV file 2012-02-01T09:32:02.847

4 I'm exporting contacts from Outlook 2007 to CSV file and getting question marks instead of characters 2012-08-13T12:47:34.977

4 CLI program for xlxs -> csv conversion? 2012-11-09T16:38:12.780

4 How to edit the header of a huge CSV file in-place? 2012-12-17T21:17:40.880

4 regex help - ignore a char if it's in quotes 2013-05-27T13:10:58.770