Tag: clock

132 Display the taskbar clock on multiple screens in Windows? 2012-10-29T05:41:01.593

75 How to get video duration in seconds? 2013-09-25T19:35:33.800

52 NTP - How are NTP servers so accurate 2014-04-23T12:03:22.683

45 A Windows clock to show both UTC and local time? 2013-09-23T11:56:32.067

31 Why do PCs still require a CMOS battery? 2015-04-30T04:26:47.797

29 Windows 7 time keeps changing by itself 2014-01-25T14:51:26.587

26 Windows 10 time falling an hour behind when dual booting 2015-09-11T18:20:47.467

23 Why aren't all CPUs 'overclocked' as a factory default? 2011-04-25T22:06:49.473

23 How to display seconds in the taskbar clock? 2013-04-11T18:47:28.103

19 Windows 7 system tray date display not appearing 2009-08-18T15:11:31.650

19 Windows 8/8.1 system clock changing randomly while powered on and in use 2013-09-25T03:54:46.653

17 Clock on my Mac gets altered when I boot into Windows 2009-07-23T00:23:08.350

15 Can the Windows clock be configured to display a 24-hour-based time? 2010-06-17T17:19:39.097

15 How do PCs know when the time has changed? 2012-12-24T11:44:58.427

14 How to get more than 3 international clocks in Windows? 2010-06-08T04:22:26.927

13 How to update Windows 8 clock with the internet every time I boot the system? 2013-06-03T12:51:16.947

11 Is there any software or hardware which lets you stop, slow down, speed up or even reverse time? 2009-10-04T18:24:44.693

11 How to show weekday in Windows 10 clock in taskbar? 2015-07-30T00:10:58.840

11 How do I make a virtual machine with non-standard speed of time (timescale)? 2016-01-05T21:17:56.253

10 Can't synchronize time, Windows 7 2011-05-14T13:46:45.027

10 Major clock drift while computer is awake 2012-12-02T15:32:11.747

9 Why is my NTP controlled computer clock two minutes ahead? 2010-03-22T14:37:12.533

9 Windows 7: System clock 2 hours behind on every boot 2010-12-11T20:47:38.117

9 What does "clocksource tsc unstable" mean? 2012-02-25T16:52:04.003

8 What could be causing Windows to randomly reset the system time to a random time? 2012-09-16T19:03:19.263

8 Clock running fast after OS X Mavericks install 2013-11-19T17:59:17.787

8 Is there a way of getting correct CLOCK_TAI on Linux? 2016-12-15T07:05:09.717

7 Analogue clock for Windows 7 in the system tray 2010-01-09T10:13:11.707

7 How can I customize the Windows 7 clock to show full date/time? 2011-10-26T13:18:16.523

6 How to show date with clock when Windows 7 taskbar is vertical? 2010-11-26T16:41:21.023

6 How can computers figure out the current minute, but not hour/year? 2012-07-30T13:37:37.977

6 Windows 7 set to UTC RTC forcibly changes time 2013-03-25T23:22:47.160

6 How can I have a secondary clock show in 24-hour time but the primary one in 12-hour time? 2015-03-01T03:58:23.233

5 Show Seconds in Vista Clock on System Tray 2009-10-29T13:24:38.633

5 Computer clock drifts on standby. Can I make Windows synchronize time on every wakeup? 2011-05-30T12:33:40.453

5 Hide clock on lock screen in Windows 8 2012-09-02T08:29:57.887

5 Windows Time clock going twice the speed 2013-10-08T15:36:02.573

5 Clock drift windows 7 in to the future 2013-11-25T17:38:01.050

5 How can I stop Linux from changing Windows's clock? 2018-07-03T22:55:19.893

4 System clock runs behind 2009-09-11T06:56:35.697

4 Sync the clock on Windows 7 to the time server more frequently 2009-11-28T16:24:59.810

4 Is there a clock application with deciseconds (HH:MM:SS.d)? 2012-05-28T17:29:54.473

4 How can I show the current year in Ubuntu's Clock-indicator/applet? 2012-07-02T13:01:29.100

4 How to fake having a CMOS battery for RTC 2014-08-27T15:42:53.137

4 Move Windows 10 clock back where it belongs 2016-08-25T21:30:27.307

3 Why is the hover tooltip over the tray clock in Windows XP unreliable? 2009-11-15T19:39:05.453

3 Where are the settings for the Windows 7 clock gadget stored? 2010-06-08T05:34:47.000

3 Mysterious Clock - Windows XP 2010-09-21T08:11:52.017

3 BIOS clock still slow after battery change 2011-07-03T03:47:26.960

3 How is CPU clock rate maintained? 2012-01-19T11:08:58.420

3 Relationship between hardware clock and system clock 2012-01-26T10:00:36.603

3 Laptop GAINS time, why? 2012-01-30T12:54:26.787

3 Slow down clock/timer of a Linux program 2012-07-28T00:56:10.293

3 Correcting clock drift in VM guests 2012-09-06T14:26:46.603

3 Ubuntu server loses exactly 5 minutes once in a while 2012-10-23T10:55:41.360

3 Is there any relationship between memory access time and clock speed of processor? 2013-07-24T17:31:06.913

3 How to get steady time on an Atmel xPlained SAMA5D3 2015-02-02T17:59:24.987

3 Windows 10 Clock Occasionally Displays +5 hours Upon Startup 2017-03-12T22:13:58.867

2 Vista: change clock tooltip to short date? 2009-07-19T08:49:30.167

2 Synchronizing the clocks of two Windows-XP machines not connected to the internet? 2009-11-14T19:39:28.440

2 Adding date and time to systems tray in Windows 7 2010-01-04T19:35:19.107

2 Need to see many timezone clocks somehow 2010-08-26T10:26:50.530

2 Clock correction in GNU/Linux: should I crontab the "hwlock --hctosys"? 2010-10-20T02:34:38.043

2 Home server clock runs too fast 2010-12-02T17:53:09.797

2 How to know if the computer clock is wrong? 2011-08-01T01:06:50.350

2 Synchornize linux clock without internet 2011-12-15T18:04:28.960

2 Monitoring the wall time of a process on windows? 2012-10-19T16:41:45.113

2 Ubuntu 12.10 Clock is wrong 2012-12-13T08:48:16.453

2 How to change the time zone Windows 7 uses to display time in the task bar? 2012-12-19T13:22:53.307

2 Windows 7 Clock On/Off shortcut? 2013-02-28T20:14:15.440

2 What is the specification for GPU ROMs? 2013-10-25T03:23:56.167

2 What is the rationale behind the default values for adjtimex --adjust? 2014-02-11T12:14:50.027

2 Clock is standing still when the computer is turned off 2014-03-20T07:53:43.633

2 CPU Time and Clocks 2015-04-22T00:26:09.970

2 Error when trying to synchronize Windows 7 time 2015-09-22T09:54:58.870

2 Is there any way to get correct system time without NTP? 2016-05-26T05:04:23.277

2 PC clock keeps getting reset by something external 2016-08-04T18:12:11.973

2 What is the difference between processor time and clock time? 2017-01-20T10:45:01.857

2 Laptop low cpu clock speed / multiplier 2017-02-15T15:16:37.023

2 Windows 10: Issue With Clock While Using Custom Font 2017-05-12T13:33:05.860

2 What is the purpose of being able to set a time at a unrealistic point of time? 2018-08-29T22:33:34.183

2 How can I determine the bus clock programatically or via command line in Windows 10? 2018-12-20T18:53:14.293

2 How do I remove the clock shown on the Ubuntu lock screen? 2019-01-04T18:39:52.410

2 Changing Windows 10 System Clock Doesn't Work 2019-09-17T18:13:14.480

1 Clock in Windows Vista (Ultimate Edition) is always 10 minutes fast 2009-07-20T20:09:40.810

1 Why does the system clock run a lot faster than the hardware clock on Linux? 2011-01-19T13:35:15.120

1 Sync Windows' system time to a time server, but advance by 10 minutes from the time server's time 2011-02-18T08:30:39.270

1 Customizing Windows XP clock 2011-04-15T06:41:18.270

1 Windows 7 taskbar clock disappears 2011-05-27T18:29:15.920

1 How to skew a Mac's clock 10 minutes while still keeping it "synchronized"? 2011-12-26T04:29:43.697

1 How to synchronize computer clock without admin rights 2012-07-07T14:38:06.767

1 Time randomly changing itself, internet randomly dying 2012-09-14T11:34:30.270

1 New server Windows clock losing time 2013-01-14T19:07:47.510

1 Windows 7 Time Keeps Changing by 5 hours 2013-01-18T19:08:09.030

1 Using NTPD as a client on Cent OS without Undisciplined Local Clock any disadvantage? 2013-02-02T23:53:45.887

1 Getting clock / time information from a Windows 7 PC to an Arduino 2013-07-27T05:31:22.867

1 Linux command to check wherever this day is a DST change day and which direction? 2014-08-30T19:13:22.113

1 KDE 4.14.2 - American holidays in Digital Clock no matter what 2015-05-23T20:26:51.080

1 Auto Sync Linux clock 2015-07-31T13:43:01.593