Questions tagged [yaml]

YaML is a human-readable data serialisation format.

YAML is a data serialisation format designed to be written and read by humans. Modern YAML is a superset of JSON, meaning that YAML parsers can consume any valid JSON as well as the richer and more human-friendly long form.

For more information refer to the YAML Wikipedia page or the YAML homepage.

86 questions
1 answer

Salt state file doesn't load info from pillar

I'm getting this error when I'm trying to apply my statefile to my minion: Data failed to compile: Rendering SLS 'base:nextcloud2' failed: Jinja variable 'list object' has no attribute 'db_name' I'm trying to enter the data…
1 answer

Docker private registry as kubernetes pod - deleted images auto-recreated

I run a docker private registry v2.7.0 as a kubernetes pod with a service and a persistent volume, thanks to the Varun Kumar G tutorial, which has been the only successful method on my setup, for kubernetes to pull from my private docker registry on…
0 answers

Azure Devops Pipeline Trigger based on branch

My yaml pipeline is working fine which perform terraform install, init, validate, plan and apply if the changes are commit to main branch. Here, i am trying to execute the terraform apply only if the commit happens in main branch, tried to set…
1 answer

ansible - how to get over "conflicting action statements" error?

I have an Ansible playbook for creating and resizing logical Volumes # playbook lvol.yml - hosts: step tasks: - name: 'create /dev/sdb1 -> 20GB (of 35GB)' community.general.parted: device: /dev/sdb number: 1 state: present # …
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Server set up using app.yaml, cron.yaml, etc. But directories aren't recognized

As the title says, the server has been configured to recognize sub directories but for whatever reason they are not being recognized when I load a web page. Is there any way to debug what is going on? threadsafe: true api_version: 1 handlers: -…
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deploying on hosts with ansible based on yaml file

Developers are going to provide a yaml file with hosts in particular order (every deployment can differ, depend on needs) and each field in yaml file will have instructions for example install yum packages. I'm going to take this information and run…
1 answer

GCP Deployment Manager: where to find a reference guide to properly create YAML config and template files?

I started working with Google Cloud Deployment Manager upon request of a client, using YAML config files, but I can't find anywhere how to map the reference shown in…
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1 answer

Merge few files in Ansible lookup file

So far I use simple code to deploy Docker stacks. I don't want to use community.general.docker_stack module, due to its ridiculous requirement: the stack definition (docker compose yml file) needs to be placed at the remote node, while I want to…
0 answers

How to log HTTP requests in file in Dropwizard?

I'm having issue in my Dropwizard (version 1.3.8) app logging HTTP Requests into file. I've followed Dropwizard's documentation for configuration of YAML file and my config.yml looks like this: logging: level: INFO loggers: …
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1 answer

How to combine YAMLfiles in Python?

I have some Kubernetes YAML files which need to combined. For that I tried using Python. Second file (sample.yaml) should be merged to the first file source.yaml Like, the source.yaml has one section sample:, where the complete sample.yaml should be…
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1 answer

Return yaml value to puppet fact lookup

I'm trying to resolve a YAML value in a module file { '/boot/config.txt' : ensure => present, mode => '0755', content => $::hostname?{ 'serverName1.domain' => template('template1'), default => template('template2'), …
Dave Shaw
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