Questions tagged [yaml]

YaML is a human-readable data serialisation format.

YAML is a data serialisation format designed to be written and read by humans. Modern YAML is a superset of JSON, meaning that YAML parsers can consume any valid JSON as well as the richer and more human-friendly long form.

For more information refer to the YAML Wikipedia page or the YAML homepage.

86 questions
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Use encrypted eyaml data from puppet file?

I'm storing some sensitive data using eyaml. I have the encryption part working and integrated into my Hiera setup but I'm not sure how to unencrypt from within a puppet file. When I run the following code in puppet: $message =…
Philip Kirkbride
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1 answer

docker compose sharing volumes with mapped to paths

I have the following yaml version: '2' services: database: image: sameersbn/mysql container_name: invoiceplane_mysql volumes: - /srv/docker/invoicePlane/mysql:/var/lib/mysql/ environment: - DB_PASS=password -…
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How do I loop over items 1 by 1 in Ansible config (YAML/Jinja2)?

I am trying to loop over my hosts from my inventory in Ansible, and use the name of the host of that iteration in a command. In particular, I am trying to set the hostname of each of my hosts to whatever I have called them in my hosts file. So, I…
1 answer

Unable to form a link of a file which is in sites-available to a directory sites-enabled in remote server using ansible?

Unable to form a link of a file which is in sites-available to a directory sites-enabled in remote server using ansible? This is command I want to execute using file module of ansible: ln -s /etc/apache2/sites-available/wsgi-keystone.conf…
Karthik Vee
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2 answers

CoreOS on Google Compute Engine

I have followed the CoreOS on GCE guide. But looks like I am having problems understanding what the user-data metadata field is, and how to get my cloud-config file to be read.. In a directory that has my cloud-config.yaml file, I ran the following…
2 answers

Hiera datatypes wont load in Puppet

I have spent a couple of days on this, followed the instructions on and even the Puppet Training Advanced Puppet manual. When I run a test against it, the results always come back as 'nil' and Im…
Cole Shores
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Google AppEngine - 502 Bad Gateway

I'm running a Python Flask endpoint locally and it all works fine, but when I deploy it in GCP AppEngine, I get a 502 Bad Gateway. It seems to fail at about 200 reads of 2290 bytes each. I've increased the memory_gb of both the default YAML and the…
0 answers

How to convert terrraform to kubernetes helm chart?

Our current project is created using terraform templates. Both the infrastructure and the application deployment is on terraform yaml files. Is there anyway to convert the application part to helm charts? Please provide your suggestions.
0 answers

How to run Run a curl command in buildspec.yml with SSM start session

I am trying to pass this curl command in my buildspec.yml but it keeps on failing with the below error. What is the right way to pass the curl command? FYI i need to use aws ssm start-session since i need to execute the curl on the instance. Any…
0 answers

why AWS Cloudformation template drifted while migrating from waf classic to waf v2 using aws provided wizard?

I tried to migrate waf classic to waf v2 using aws provided wizard in aws classic and deployed the same template in CF. It is drifted in state without making any changes to the resources manually. while expected output and actually same but it is…
1 answer

Alertmanager telegram config chat_id and cannot unmarshal errror

I am trying to configure alertmanager to send alerts to my telegram group. Following the configuration I have: global: resolve_timeout: 5m route: group_by: - job group_interval: 5m group_wait: 30s receiver: "telegram" repeat_interval:…
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1 answer

Ansible "hip-profiles unexpected here" Palo alto panos_security_rule

I'm trying to set a security policy on my Palo Alto firewalls using Ansible with the panos_security_rule module. However, I keep running in to the same error, hip-profiles unexpected here. I found multiple reports on the problem, even a GitHub issue…
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Automate Kubernetes Deployment using ArgoCD

We have a GitHub repo containing all the Kubernetes cluster yaml files, When we want to update a deployment we simply edit the yaml and push to GitHub. Unfortunately, we then have to kubectl apply -f file.yaml How could one automate the deployment…
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Ansible simple inventory for dhcp hosts in yaml

Need a little hint on yaml syntax for a very simple inventory file. I want to include dhcp range of workstations in a nice inventory file. Regarding the official documentation this could be done but i'm not on the right track Need a little…
0 answers

I m trying to use mysqldump but getting error mysqldump: Got error: 2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on host(110) when trying to connect

Here is my sam template for taking database backup trigger: - none pool: vmImage: ubuntu-latest steps: - script: echo Hello, world! displayName: 'Run a one-line script' - script: | sudo apt-get -f install -o…
vithya m
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