Questions tagged [fedora-31]

4 questions
0 answers

Something's wrong w Fedora Core 31 gnome-disks; drops SMART data for unknown reason, THEN doesn't show available disks at all

As discussed here, I've been working to load a great many smaller disks' data to a larger storage repository. The system in question is Fedora Core Server 31 - out just a week ago or less. Of course, I added a few tools to the base Server download…
Richard T
  • 1,130
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0 answers

grub2 font advice doesn't work

I'm running Fedora 31 on a Lenovo T470p, with GNU GRUB version 2.03 platform x86_64-efi . I wish to have a far larger font. As many, many suggestions on the internet advise: 1] I've added the GRUB_FONT line to my…
Swiss Frank
  • 111
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1 answer

Fedora 31 Grub2 configuration change isn't being applied

I've changed GRUB_TIMEOUT=-1 in my /etc/default/grub because I want the grub boot loader to wait forever for me to choose my operating system. Most of the internet says to run update-grub after editing this but it seems like this is a one-line file,…
Swiss Frank
  • 111
  • 3
0 answers

How to log HTTP requests in file in Dropwizard?

I'm having issue in my Dropwizard (version 1.3.8) app logging HTTP Requests into file. I've followed Dropwizard's documentation for configuration of YAML file and my config.yml looks like this: logging: level: INFO loggers: …
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