Questions tagged [windows-terminal-services]

"Terminal Services" is the name used in Microsoft Windows Server 2008 and earlier, for what is in later versions known as "Remote Desktop Services". It allows its users to run applications on a remote server, sending only mouse/keyboard input and screen updates across the network.

309 questions
1 answer

Windows Server 2012 Terminal Services

I have a AD Server (DC) and a Member Server set up on one computer as a test lab. I have an administrator account and an account called KDM. I have KDM as member of Remote Desktop Users and each server is set up in the same folder with a GPO…
1 answer

how to allow remote desktop on one computer and deny on another for the same domain user

This is my scenario. I have two servers. First one is the domain controller. 2nd one is the backup domain controller. Both are windows 2008 R2. I want to setup user permissions so that say userX in my active directory can remote desktop to SERVER 1…
1 answer

Need to setup depend services of tomcat and mysql

Trying to set service depend on each other, the command which I am using for it is as below. dependencies are not setting up. seems like there is somw thing wrong with my command : sc config tomcat6 depend=mysql I got this commands from How to add…
2 answers

Dedicated Servers with Terminal Services

I need a dedicated server with Windows 2003/2008 Standard plus Terminal Services Client Access Licenses. Can somebody recommend me some company which offers this?
0 answers

Windows RD - Temporary Accounts in Terminal Services servers

We are facing this weird problem. Since a restart of the server recently, most of the user accounts are getting created with Temporary profiles. We followed a few blogs and followed steps as below: --cleared the accounts from Registry > ProfileList…
2 answers

Terminal Services License Server Install Failed on Server 2008 SP2 DC

I am trying to install Terminal Services License Server on a 2008 Server Standard DC. The only roles installed on this machine are Active Directory and DNS. I went thru the Wizard and selected to install TS License Server ONLY (no need to install…
Matt Rogish
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TS Easy Print on specific driver

Hey guys I have a weird one for you... I have a user that has a Brother HL-5370 hooked up to her PC with USB and a few more that are on the network. We have an ERP system where if any report is generated with a barcode on it we are unable to use…
0 answers

How to set relaxed security for Terminal Services on 2008 R2

I installed Remote Desktop Services on Windows 2008 Server R2. I am trying to set it up with 'Relaxed Security' similar to Windows 2003 would have. Windows 2003 Server, I would set up: Permission Compatibility = 'Relaxed Security' That was done…
1 answer

Default client printer permissions on 2003 terminal server

Is it possible to change default permissions of printers that are created on terminal server sessions by clients? We have a terminal server that is shared between our head and branch offices and sometimes there is a need to print something from HO…
3 answers

Remote Desktop Connection: Access Denied

I have remote desktop connection enabled. I've added my self and the Administrator account. When I try to login remotely I get: When I try logging to remote desktop via localhost I get access denied error. The same occurs when I try remotely,…
0 answers

SvcHost of TermService service on Windows Server 2003 consumes high memory

We patch our servers monthly, and if there are no updates to install, then they still get rebooted. When the server is rebooted, after it boots, the TermService service running in a SvcHost.exe process starts to gradually consume more and more…
0 answers

Cannot log in through terminal services client

I have a windows 2008 R2 server within a FOO domain in my company. All user accounts are a part of BAR domain. FOO domain has full access to all objects (users and groups) in BAR domain. Here's the problem: I have my own account and another user's…
1 answer

Is it possible under Windows Server 2012 to run Terminal Services but have it run a VM?

I have a Windows Server 2012 box that I'd like to be able to host up to 5 TS instances on it. However, it would be ideal if those instances could actually fire up a Hyper-V VM running Windows 7. So from the end users perspective, they would RDP into…
0 answers

Windows Server 2012 Terminal Server Print job not removed after Printing

we have Windows 2012 Terminal Server with latest Patches. Installed is a Shar MX-M314n Network Printer with latest PCL6 drivers. If I as "administrator" print a Test Page or a User (no administrator privileges) Prints via Notepad shared as Remote…
0 answers

To log on to this remote computer, you must be granted the allow log on through terminal services

I am pretty sure that I have given a particular user to access a server, by adding her to RDP group of that server. But she can't access whereas other members of her team can access that machine. How it is possible when all are given the same kind…
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