I need a dedicated server with Windows 2003/2008 Standard plus Terminal Services Client Access Licenses.

Can somebody recommend me some company which offers this?

2 Answers2


There is no reason why your hardware and software vendor needs to be the same company. But most major server-hardware vendors have relationships with Microsoft to sell you both hardware and software.

The vendors that I know off the top of my head are Dell, HP, and CDW. I am sure there are many others. You will probably have to find the correct number for a business representative and give them a call. The web sites of the vendors I mentioned aren't particularly easy to navigate when it comes to ordering bundles of software and hardware.

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If you can afford them, I would suggest Rackspace. They are very professional, I've had a very good experience with them, and they have plenty of options that you can add on to your server. Good luck.

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