Questions tagged [windows-terminal-services]

"Terminal Services" is the name used in Microsoft Windows Server 2008 and earlier, for what is in later versions known as "Remote Desktop Services". It allows its users to run applications on a remote server, sending only mouse/keyboard input and screen updates across the network.

309 questions
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Can i use TS Remote APP for Antivirus

Is it possible that i install the Latest Anti-virus on server 2008 and other cleints can scan their folder/file/drive by using Terminal service remote APP.
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Server 2012 R2 Essentials IIS DefaultTSGateway variable

So I want to use RDP externally so have a forwarded domain so /remote then downlaoding RDP file works. However, I get gateway errors (Your computer can't connect to the remote computer because the Remote Desktop Gateway server is temporarily…
1 answer

Can't access a new 2008 terminal server in mixed 2003/2008 environment

We have just set up a new 2008 terminal server. It's joined to a domain called HOSTING and I can see the 2003 server active directory. However, we can't seem to log onto it with users other than administrator. Do the users have to be in a certain…
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Explorer.exe not starting after login on Windows Server 2003 (Terminal Services and console)

When users login to a Windows Server 2003 R2 running Terminal Services they have a blank desktop. Upon inspection, explorer.exe is not running. When I login as administrator, using either RDP or to the console, I am having the same issue. I can…
Pepperoni Icecream
1 answer

Problem closing MDI child window in Terminal Services/Remote Desktop Connection 7.0

I have one user whose computer just got updated to the 7.0 Remote Desktop Connection. Concurrently, she has started having a problem closing the MDI child windows in an old FoxPro application running on the remote server. We have two different…
Justin Love
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What happens during Remote Desktop logon, and is there any logging?

Background We have a few applications on Windows 2008 R2 servers, presented via RemoteApp, via links from TS-Web. These apps have been running this way for years (~8 years I think). One of our users is having issues logging in, with it hanging for…
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Enable RemoteFX USB redirection via Registry

I am trying to enable RemoteFX USB redirection on our thin clients which are not domain joined. Currently, if I use local group policy editor on one of the devices, and set the policy to enabled for users and admins, the redirection works as…
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Windows Terminal Server Access Denied after enabling SMBv1/CIFS role

I've just took over the one network and there is a terminal server 2012. The users faced an issue that they can't connect to the older shared folder(or even map them as network drive), so I've asked previous admin - did he know something about it…
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Outlook performance issues in Terminal Server/Remote Desktop Services when using cloud hosted Exchange

I'm not sure if this specific question has been asked, but I can't seem to find any viable solutions that are supported by Microsoft. We have an office that currently has a few Windows Server 2003 systems configured with Terminal Services. Users in…
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can server 2012 R2 be used in server 2008 R2 terminal server farm

I have currently have 3 server 2008 R2 servers forming a server farm with a separate server 2008 R2 session broker. I am familiar with adding servers to the farm using active directory and joining the "session broker computers" group. This works…
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Terminal Server 2008 Closing All Applications Immediately Upon Opening

I've got a terminal server that one user is having problems with. Everyone else seems to work just fine. When this user tries to open any application, it closes immediately. This is ALL applications. Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Firefox,…
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Installing software for server only on terminal server

I'm in the process of developing software for a Windows based RDP terminal server consisting of a server.exe for the server and a client.exe for all terminal server users. I've created an MSI for each. I've installed the server.msi under execute…
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Intermittent Excel issue of "file locked for editing" not showing when it should

Current setup: 3 app servers (2008 r2, terminal services XenApp 6.5), 2 file servers (2008 r2). Situation: user1 opens up an excel file that is on server1 and starts to work. user2 goes to open that same file, and does NOT get a message that the…
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Automatically Setting Printer ACLs for Multiple Printers on Multiple Terminal Servers

Does anyone have an example of how to script (preferably as a batch file) to set ACLs on multiple printers installed on multiple servers? I searched Google and found some examples of settings ACLs on a single printer but not for multiple printers on…
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Windows Server 2012 Terminal Server Degrading Performance on User Session

We have a terminal server environment with about 40 users which is experiencing a curious performance issue: when a given user logs in initially, everything functions properly, once a particular user starts to eat up more resources (upwards of…