Questions tagged [windows-registry]

The Windows Registry is a hierarchical database that stores configuration settings and options on Microsoft Windows operating systems. It contains settings for low-level operating system components as well as the applications running on the platform.

397 questions
0 answers

Multiple Issues with Salesforce for Outlook Plugin and Outlook 2013

I've recently started at a company where the sales department relies pretty heavily on Salesforce. There is a strange balance of forces here where the staff really seems to hate Salesforce, and any little excuse of Salesforce 'not working' perfectly…
Sam K
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Change default Word font without using normal.dotm

I am looking for a way to set default font across our domain without touching normal.dotm. Some of our users actually have set different settings for their work that are stored within normal.dotm. The easy (and usual) way would be replacing every…
1 answer

How do I setup a 32-bit DLL on 64-bit Windows Server 2012 R2 for Powershell?

I am in the process of upgrading some dated VBScript automation for Powershell on one of our servers running Windows Server 2012 R2. Currently, I'm working on replacing a script that requires the creation of a COM object from a third-party 32-bit…
0 answers

How can I populate HKU registry entries through GPO?

I need to disable two different TLS settings in IE Control Panel (TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1). I need this to be applied only once, and to have the user/an admin be able to go in and change the settings without them being applied again. We mostly have…
3 answers

Should I go with TLS 1.1/TLS 1.2 instead of SSL v3?

My windows Server 2008R2 has SSL v2 Protocol now. Due to Security breach i have palnned to disable SSL v2. So should I enable SSL v3 or should i jump directly to TLS 1.1\ TLS 1.2 ? If I disable SSL v2 and not enabling any of the higher versions…
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1 answer

Looking for a workaround to install a personal certificate in a mandatory profile

I have recently set up mandatory profiles for a PC image I am creating and I have been able to set up everything I need in the profiles via group policy with the exception of one major item. Apparently mandatory profiles do not allow the…
0 answers

MIME/Content type changed after change in server

This is my first question so I apologize if I my post has any mistakes. I've searched about this issue for close to two days now and I still only am a bit closer than I was before.Here is my problem. We have a website developed using .net 4.5 that…
2 answers

Re-Enable RDP Via Remote Registry

I'm having a problem where for some reason, Remote Desktop (RDP) continually gets disabled on a Win2003 server. Our networking team is not doing this, so as far as I know it is not a security script that is running, etc. In any case, I am able…
Sam Schutte
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1 answer

Mandatory profile giving corrupted recycle bin error for all users?

I had to make a few changes to our mandatory profile and ever since that happened any user who logs in using the mandatory profile receives an error saying the \recyclebin\$specificUser$ is corrupted. Clearing the error doesn't help. The next time…
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0 answers

RunOnce key can't be run at startup with restricted public account in Windows

Let me be brief. We have arround a 1000 public computers for users to use for the internet and office and so on. We image these using SCCM2012r2. Everything is fine until we added a software package called Time Freeze which basically puts the…
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1 answer

How can I create a REG_MULTI_SZ key through Group Policy?

I'm trying to add an entry to registry via Group Policy, but I can only seem to create either a REG_SZ or REG_DWORD value. If I insert the value as a REG_SZ key then it isn't picked up / processed as it needs to be a multi string key. The code I'm…
1 answer

why did windows updates install at 2:30pm instead of the time configured in the registry

I have a server in a multi-tenant environment using a WSUS server outside of the domain that the server resides in. Here is the current configuration for the WSUS…
0 answers

reset lost administrator password for Windows Server 2003 (AD)?

I've been contacted by a local golf course that has lost login access to their Windows 2003 server (suspected cause is a password change by a disgruntled ex-manager). When I visited the site, they have the password taped to the wall behind the…
1 answer

Changing the Security Level of IE 11 via the Registry looks to be implemented, but changes to 0 once IE Internet Options Security tab is opened

This is Windows 7 SP1 After being updated to the most current version So I've been trying change the security level for trusted sites and it just doesn't want to stick. I modify the current level value to 10000 hexadecimal and when i open up IE11 an…
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1 answer

What determines the name of registry entries under \Outlook\Resiliency\DisabledItem?

I'm trying to script a way to re-enable a specific Outlook add-in via the registry (Outlook UI isn't an option since it's locked down for users). I know the general location I need to remove a reg entry is under:…