Questions tagged [outlook-2013]

For questions specific to Microsoft Outlook 2013 (version 15).

56 questions
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Open .xml attachments in "default program" instead of Internet Explorer

Disclaimer I posted this question on Super User without any responses, but I am working on a domain and want to change many computers as an administrator, so I believe it is also on topic here. Question On Windows 7 and Outlook 2013, attachments…
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Outlook/BITS client can't download the OAB, returns HTTP 401

We're having difficulties with Outlook clients running in cached mode. They get stuck forever on "Offline Address Book is connecting to Microsoft Exchange". The two Exchange servers in question are load-balanced by a KEMP cluster, with HTTPS…
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how can I make contacts from a shared Exchange mailbox show up in my Outlook address book?

Running Exchange 2013 with Outlook 2013 clients. I have AD (2012 R2) users with mailboxes, that have also been granted SendAs and Full Access to various shared mailboxes. These shared mailboxes automatically show up when the user logs into Windows…
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Exchange+Outlook 2013 - Read Mails turn Unread

I have a local EX2013 server and several Outlook 2013 clients. Some of the clients occasionally (once or twice a day) see a random read email turn unread with no apparent reason. I went through the delivery logs in exchange, and looks like some…
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Why does Exchange 2013 return wrong search results?

When using Outlook (2010 or 2013) in online mode with Exchange 2013, using the instant search field returns very odd search results. Searching in OWA returns correct results. Using an advanced search in Outlook also returns correct…
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How to update Outlook to point to Office 365 server instead of previous hosted exchange server?

I'm migrating from hosted Exchange 2007 using Sherweb to using Office 365. Once I've set up the mailboxes and migrated all data to O365 (using MigrationWiz), how do I least painfully update workstations or instruct users to update workstations so…
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Exchange 2016 & Outlook Anywhere - Repeated Authentication Popup when Outside Network

Exchange 2016 on-premises, Outlook 2013/2019 When a user is inside the network/on the VPN everything is fine. When a user brings their laptop outside of our network: Outlook pop-ups asking them to log into their mailbox. If they enter their domain…
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Missing Approve / Reject message moderation buttons

When a message is send a message to a typical moderated distribution list, the moderator gets the familiar Approve / Reject buttons and this works for the test group I setup as part of a "your decision is requested" e-mail. This message comes from…
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Is a Wildcard cert better for Exchange DR than a SAN cert?

I'm reading this blog article about the logic of Autodiscover, and I hope I'm misreading it. The problem I have is that it appears that the Autodiscover process will inspect the SUBJECT of a certificate and use that to determine the most appropriate…
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outlook 2013 not updating folders

I've recently set up a new Windows server 2016 RDS enviroment, and I've started some user testing. One user has a problem in Outlook where folders will not update. If a new mail comes in he has to switch to a different folder and then back before…
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Multiple Issues with Salesforce for Outlook Plugin and Outlook 2013

I've recently started at a company where the sales department relies pretty heavily on Salesforce. There is a strange balance of forces here where the staff really seems to hate Salesforce, and any little excuse of Salesforce 'not working' perfectly…
Sam K
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Cannot connect to brand new Exchange 2013 from Outlook 2013 or 2016

I've performed a fresh install of Exchange 2013, which is going to be a multi tenant environment. Once the install was complete, I set up the first 'tenant' using one of our test domains following This guide. I can connect to my account through OWA,…
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How to change default Exchange (Outlook) subfolder names?

Running Exchange 2013 Server on top of a Windows Server 2012 R2 domain with Outlook 2013 clients. My multi-site domain is also multilingual. Specifically, some sites are Spanish users and some sites are English users (with bilingual people all…
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Displaying an Business 2 or Notes field in Outlook contact card company wide?

A manager in our organization wants a quick and easy way to see a person's extension number when he looks at the contact card from office (the small one that appears when you hover or a name not the full card) but does not want it as part of the…
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Outlook 2013 : What is the name of the log file for Exchange connections

I am having connection issues between Outlook 2013 and Exchange 2010 where a connection is never made and even goes so far as locking me out of the Exchange server for 30 minutes. I enabled logging in Outlook but I cannot find the file under…
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