Questions tagged [windows-registry]

The Windows Registry is a hierarchical database that stores configuration settings and options on Microsoft Windows operating systems. It contains settings for low-level operating system components as well as the applications running on the platform.

397 questions
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Redirect or alter specific registry key under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE based on the logged in user

We would like to run an application under Terminal Server that's typically designed to run on a single client machine connected via network to a local server. This will mean multiple users logged on to one terminal server where based on the…
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Adding "Never saved" websites to Edge via Group Policy, Registry, Script, etc

I would like to push "Never saved" websites to users' Chromium Edge settings. The goal is to disable password saving for these particular websites/domains. The method doesn't matter, only the end result. In this way, solutions that use Group Policy,…
1 answer

Disabling auto-login via gpedit?

Recently, one of our employee has left his computer in the customer's office, which could possibly leak some information from that device(Thankfully, it didn't happened). Right now, all of our computer has enabled auto login, and it's almost a…
1 answer

Adding registry key via GPO creates but not affects to the system?

I could not give a detailed title to my question. But my problem is: I'm trying to add keyboard languages from Group Policy (Windows Server 2012R2) with Registry. I added like below: Then I check (as a domain user), the key is created in…
1 answer

Additional info request on DSC Syntax for Binary Registry Key

I have more questions about implementing the solution found in: DSC Syntax for Binary Registry Key For the most part the solution suggested by Matthew Whetmore worked... but if the data starts with "00", somehow it is getting dropped. For e.g. for…
Krish MD
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How do I determine what Registry Keys a GPO modifies?

It seems like such a simple question, but after hours of googling I can not find a way to correlate a GPO policy and a registry key that it would modify. Does anyone have a way to decrypt them?
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Will GPO setting registry keys be reapplied on reboot?

Most GPO settings are either enforced/user can't change the setting/ or applied only one time /software install/. My question is - if I set a specific registry key using a GPO and the registry key is changed, will the GPO overwrite the registry key…
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Why would a server in an AD environment allow Remote Registry access by FQDN, but deny and lock out accounts over IP address?

We have a situation where a software application cannot be installed because the admin account used during installation gets locked out during prerequisite checks. After some investigation, we found the cause: The prerequisite check looks at remote…
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How can I create a registry key on all domain machines with group policy?

I have a domain with a controller and joined workstations. I want to create a registry item on all of the connected workstations using a group policy. I have created a group policy and tried to create a registry key two ways. I tried selecting New…
1 answer

difference between two registry locations for HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\ and HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\

What is the difference between the two registry locations HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon:LegalNoticeText HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System:LegalNoticeText While my question is asking about…
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Set Registry Keys from Domain Policy

Is it possible to push out changes to the registry on a local computer from the domain policy? Or does a special script need to be written to do so?
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Persistent registry settings on a workgroup computer with local group policy

From what I understand (and have tested) in What is the difference between Group Policy and Registry Policy processing in Windows?, computers within a domain would have a policy refresh every 90 to 120 minutes. Using this, I have set a GPO that…
Brian Lee
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Read Local "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" from another user, windows batch/powershell

Ok is a tricky question, I know. I have a software that runs validation scripts in all computers in network. I can create my own scripts too. But I found a problem that the script runs as specific user with admin rights. So, when my script checks…
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Windows Registry CREATOR OWNER

I've got a program that creates a registry key in HKCU, but after that does not have the rights to write to it. It seems to me that CREATOR OWNER does not work. The strange thing is that it does work on non-server environments (standard Windows…
3 answers

Modify NIC bind order for Hyper-V Server/Server Core

Is there a way to modify the NIC bind order in Hyper-V Server/Server Core? For some reason, one of our Hyper-V servers decided to reverse the bind order of two of the six NIC ports on the machine, making it inconsistent with all of our other…
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