Questions tagged [windows-registry]

The Windows Registry is a hierarchical database that stores configuration settings and options on Microsoft Windows operating systems. It contains settings for low-level operating system components as well as the applications running on the platform.

397 questions
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Allow standard user to modify HKCU registry from script

I'm writing a batch script to launch a program for my Citrix environment and I'm running into some issues with a couple of reg keys I'm trying to set in the script. essentially I'm launching an access database located on a remote server from a user…
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Windows 10 - What is causing User Profile Service service failed the logon error?

Domain environment My environment is seeing a spike in an issue where users cannot log into their profiles, while being met with error: "The User Profile service failed the logon. User profile cannot be loaded." After this the user, after entering…
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How do I set up multiple unique accounts via command line?

I have to setup and configure about 60 (+ more in the future) windows 7 embedded PC's with the same settings. Each of these PC's will have 12 accounts on them. Each of the accounts will have their own unique settings, desktop, programs, etc. They…
0 answers

NoDeletePrinter not stopping deletion of printers

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer NoDeletePrinter REG_DWORD 0x00000001 (1) GPUpdate. GPUpdate /Force. Log out. Reboot. All that jazz - still able to delete printers. Any tips?
Chris Culp
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Hiding the Windows 10 "You have been signed in with a temporary profile"

Unlike most people on the internet searching something related to this, I do not want to fix this message. In this test environment domain users are meant to have a temporary profile. I am tying to hide the message in the status bar and the, "Your…
1 answer

How to make sure TLS is using AES 256

I am trying to establish a secure TLS connection between my system and a third party API. Third party mandates that I have to use AES 256 for all communication, Now I have installed a X509 certificate on my root machine store. How I can make sure…
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Is it possible to detect the Windows Update status via registry, to see if the system is "fully updated"?

I would like to be able to check the computer's update status by querying the registry. I specifically would like some to check if the computer's update status is "fully updated". I have looked through a lot of entries in the registry but I could…
1 answer

Disable Proxy Server

We use a proxy server here but occasionally the user needs to disable it. I have the registry keys that disable it but it doesn't seem to take effect until after a reboot. Is there a service or services that I can stop/start to make the changes to…
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2 answers

Reg Query Issues

I have a batch script that does reporting on our systems and part of it queries the registry for information. The script fails to get the key's value when its ran by the system, but whenever I run the script myself, it works perfectly the…
2 answers

Capture registry changes between two snapshots and save the changes to a reg file

I am wanting to snapshot my registry once, install software then snapshot the registry again how-ever I then want to be able to compare the changes and save the added keys etc to a .reg file so I can write those changes to another machine. How would…
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1 answer

AWS EC2 Instance lost trust relationship and local admin disabled too

Win2012 Lost Trust Relationship issue can easily be fixed in following situations: You have physical access to the server to provide Windows Recovery Disk You have Local Credential to log in and fix using netdom.exe command You have access to…
1 answer

Add, remove, and test for the existence of a registry value * at the Command Prompt?

I am trying to check and update the network zone mapping in the registry from the Command Prompt. I need to check for the value named *. For example, under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet…
Jay Michaud
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SSL Cipher Suite Order GPO

Thanks in advance for reading. I'm using Win Server 2012 R2 to dish out group policies. I've created a GPO to define the SSL Cipher Suite Order under Policies > Admin Templates > Network > SSL Confugration Settings and have set it to "Enabled". I'm…
1 answer

How to mass-reset the owner of registry keys?

After installing Crystal Reports 8 on a Windows Server 2008 machine, many ActiveX related keys have no owner set and thus it is impossible to register certain ActiveX controls on that machine ever again. (This is a known problem) Is it possible to…
Daniel Rikowski
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1 answer

encounter malformed http response while deploying a docker registry

I came across the following errors as running docker push docker push command. The push refers to a repository [] Put malformed HTTP response…
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