Questions tagged [windows-authentication]

Windows authentication (or Integrated Windows Authentication) is a process where connections to applications or external systems are automatically authenticated with the currently logged on Windows user. This functionality was first made available in Windows 2000.

Windows authentication (or Integrated Windows Authentication) is a process where connections to applications or external systems are automatically authenticated with the currently logged on Windows user. This functionality was first made available in Windows 2000.

IWA is not actually a standard or authentication protocol, but is a process that relies on the underlying authentication protocols used by Windows and an application that is aware of them to transparently pass authentication information along to the requesting server or service.

There is a brief summary of IWA/WA on Wikipedia, here.

289 questions
1 answer

Domain printers appear offline on non-domain PCs

Our organization must be able to offer non-domain PC's printing facilities using our domain printserver and since Windows 7 was released, it seems that the Kerberos ticket/printing authentication simply runs out without letting the user…
4 answers

Windows 7 Single Sign On

We run Windows XP, Vista and are now testing Windows 7 in our corporate environment. Thus far all of our Win7 installations have been x64 installs with the same net result that we are having to authenticate to every corporate intranet site. Single…
1 answer

Enabling NTLM Auto login on IIS for fully qualified domain name (FQDN)

I have noticed in our network that when I want to enable users to connect to a Web Application and be automatically logged in, I need to provide them with a URL such as http://server/path/application.aspx. If I use…
Ken Pespisa
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1 answer

IIS 7.5 selectively overwrites my error response page

Using Windows 2008r2, IIS 7.5, I have an application using Windows Integrated Authentication (WWW-Authenticate: NTLM, Negotiate). In my ASP.NET MVC code, I am overwriting the IIS error page output... protected void…
1 answer

IIS - login by domain name is ok; login by IP address fails

I configured IIS server to use Windows authentication. On a client computer, I used IE to open a website of IIS by domain name - this resulted in automatic login. IP address - a dialog box appeared asking for username/password. I entered the…
1 answer

MS SQL 2008 - Can I use Windows Authentication to connect from a Mac

I have been using Navicat SQL on Mac (Snow Leopard) to connect to MS 2005 via "Basic Auth" and all is good. However the DB is now being migrated to MS 2008 and try as I might I cant get on via Windows Auth. I get the message... [FreeTDS][SQL…
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1 answer

IIS, SQLServer, Google Chrome and Windows Authentication

I'm searching the internet for almost 4 days now and I'm stuck. I've created a simple ASP MVC4 Intranet website and I have deployed it to server called: iis. That computer is inside the same domain as I have my computer. Inside my domain I have 3…
0 answers

IIS reverse proxy with Windows Auth throwing intermittent 502 errors

I have set up a web site ( on IIS to provide SSL and Windows Auth, and to forward all HTTPS requests to another server (BIOS name: internalserver; port 2080). The rule specifying this setup reads:
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1 answer

Microsoft Application Request Routing with Windows Authentication

I'm running into a problem trying to get Windows Authentication working in an environment that uses Microsoft Application Request Routing and was hoping someone might be able to help. The problem I'm running into is that only some requests are…
1 answer

Windows authentication failure between multiple domains (sites)

I have just rolled out a new Intranet company wide - the company has 6 UK sites, each has a local domain called (for example) london.local, derby.local, thatlotupnorth.local etc etc, and each has its own AD server.(The sites are connected via MPLS…
1 answer

Windows authentication and multiple prompts

I currently have two IIS websites with windows authentication turned on. Internally on my network when you connect to them you're authenticated seamlessly and logged on. Externally you are prompted to login. This is all fine and expected. However…
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How to login to VisualSVN Server (with Single Sign-On enabled) under other user than the currently logged one to Windows machine?

If you have Integrated Windows Authentication as the only authentication type enabled in VisualSVN Server you don't get any login / password prompts. You may find yourself stuck and confused if sometimes you should access VisualSVN Server under…
1 answer

How to trust a non Domain PC over a VPN connected via a Domain Account for SQL Windows Authentication

We are trying to enable a windows login to SQL Server from an untrusted laptop. The SQL Server has been enabled to allow the domain account to login and browse the data When a domain user connects to the VPN via domain PC (over the internet) they…
1 answer

Upgrade Ubuntu 11.10 to 12.04: Apache not working anymore

I upgraded Ubuntu Server from 11.10 to 12.04 LTS. Now Apache is not working properly anymore. I'm using the module AuthenNTLM and that seems to be causing the issue. Apache Error log: [1556] AuthenNTLM: Config Domain = myDomain pdc =…
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2 answers

AD User Passwords expiring without any notifications?

We setup password Policies in Active Directory to Expire peoples passwords after so many days. Well it looks like the time has come for the Expiration of the Passwords and people are getting locked out... There has been no warning of user passwords…