Questions tagged [windows-authentication]

Windows authentication (or Integrated Windows Authentication) is a process where connections to applications or external systems are automatically authenticated with the currently logged on Windows user. This functionality was first made available in Windows 2000.

Windows authentication (or Integrated Windows Authentication) is a process where connections to applications or external systems are automatically authenticated with the currently logged on Windows user. This functionality was first made available in Windows 2000.

IWA is not actually a standard or authentication protocol, but is a process that relies on the underlying authentication protocols used by Windows and an application that is aware of them to transparently pass authentication information along to the requesting server or service.

There is a brief summary of IWA/WA on Wikipedia, here.

289 questions
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Browser Authentication Prompt After Server Restart

Details We have an internal website. The authentication mode is windows hence it takes windows logins. It is served from two windows servers running Windows Server 2008 R2. And are connected with Network Load Balancer (Request Handling - Round…
0 answers

IIS virtual location path

Sorry in advance, for this seems to be a very noobish question and should be easily fixable, yet I can't work it out: I am setting up windows authentication for a website running on IIS 8.5: The Yii framework of the website takes input like…
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Users on company domain accessing a SharePoint site or SharePoint drive mapping results in prompt for credentials

Overnight, seemingly, SharePoint on a server in our domain has stopped automatically logging in users via Windows Authentication, in two instances: a local intranet site that is SharePoint (, IP x.x.x.a) a WebDav drive mapping to…
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ADFS 2.0 SAML login works.....but not for Domain Admins

We use a proxy service by zScaler. This has been setup so that there is an ADFS server between us and zScaler that authenticates the users and allows them access to the internet. This has been working all fine and dandy until sometime in the last…
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Authenticate user in WinForms (Nothing to do with ASP.Net)

Originally-posted on StackOverflow, cross-posted here as suggested in SO comments. Intro I need to password protect some actions in my application, such as loading/saving files, clicking check-boxes, etc. This is a standard C# .Net 4.0, WinForms…
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local authentication error, remote authentication success

The server is Windows Server 2012 R2 on a VM instance on Azure. There is no DC in the environment and the account in question is Local Administrator. When I remote onto the box I use the local admin account and RDP successfully. I also have a web…
2 answers

Troubleshooting access problems with IIS7.5 and Windows Authentication

I'm installing a web application on an IIS 7.5 server (Win Server 2008 R2) and having problems with windows authentication. I've done this install dozens of times but this one has me stuck, so any suggestions very welcome. Summary Only…
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Proxy hosted in IIS with NTLM, how can I enable single sign on?

I have a forward proxy hosted in IIS with windows authentication enabled. Firefox is set up to use the proxy. Problem is, I don't know what to do with network.automatic-ntlm-auth.trusted-uris. Apparently, firefox doesn't realize that whenever I go…
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2 answers

Restrict access to an intranet site to a specific group of users

I have an ASP.NET site running in IIS7 on a local intranet. I want to restrict access to this site to a specific group of users. I think I should be able to do this by using Windows Authentication within IIS, but I'm having trouble. I've enabled…
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Managing Active Directory account access across multiple forests / customers

We do managed IT services for a number of small / medium business. I'm looking to find a solution to manage our access to our clients' AD forest's in a scalable fashion. Right now, we manually create our own login in AD, with sufficient rights. As…
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Windows Authentication credential prompt

I have a ASP.NET application (Framework 4 Classic Mode) running with Windows Authentication - it is an Intranet. Impersonation is on. Anonymous is off. Authentication works perfectly on every user's PC, bar one. This one user is prompted for…
Rob King
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IIS(6) Access denied (401.3) when accessing a remote share

I am having trouble in getting IIS to access a share on a NAS not in domain. I have tried all the usual IIS workarounds I know with no luck, I'm hoping someone here will point me in the right direction. I have a Windows 2003 SP2 64bit Server, non…
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Intermittently, IIS7 requests get stuck in WindowsAuthenticationModule

We're running an IIS7 server hosting several dozen websites. Several of these websites are all part of the same legacy app we've developed. These sites all run the same code and run in the same app pool. Roughly once a month over the past few…
Richard Beier
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Website authentication with a certificate from a different domain

My question: Is there a better way to enable authentication between 2 domains than what I'm doing below, and is Name Mapping the right thing to use? There are 2 domains; One is the primary corporate domain, the second is a smaller subdomain. The…
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IIS 7.5 Windows Authentication not working (sometimes)

This is a weird one. We were happily running with Windows Authentication on our intranet site until I demoted one of our domain controllers. Now some workstations still work fine and are authenticated automatically, but others cannot get…