Questions tagged [windows-authentication]

Windows authentication (or Integrated Windows Authentication) is a process where connections to applications or external systems are automatically authenticated with the currently logged on Windows user. This functionality was first made available in Windows 2000.

Windows authentication (or Integrated Windows Authentication) is a process where connections to applications or external systems are automatically authenticated with the currently logged on Windows user. This functionality was first made available in Windows 2000.

IWA is not actually a standard or authentication protocol, but is a process that relies on the underlying authentication protocols used by Windows and an application that is aware of them to transparently pass authentication information along to the requesting server or service.

There is a brief summary of IWA/WA on Wikipedia, here.

289 questions
1 answer

What is the proper way to use IIS to forward the REMOTE_USER header to Tomcat?

I am trying to set up SSO with IIS 10 and Tomcat 9. I want to use Windows Authentication in IIS and pass the authenticated username to Tomcat. I had this working with Tomcat 8.5, however after upgrading to Tomcat 9 I can't get the…
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WCF "rejected the client credentials" just for one user account on two computers

I am getting the well known WCF service error when connecting from a client. The server has rejected the client credentials. Logon attempt failed. as described e.g. in this question. My problem is that I get the error only from one user account…
Vojtěch Dohnal
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Why would a server in an AD environment allow Remote Registry access by FQDN, but deny and lock out accounts over IP address?

We have a situation where a software application cannot be installed because the admin account used during installation gets locked out during prerequisite checks. After some investigation, we found the cause: The prerequisite check looks at remote…
1 answer

Logging all failed authentication attempts against Active Directory

I need to log all failed authentication attempts against my Active Directory domain. An external app binds to MS AD via LDAPS and uses AD for user authentication requests. When the wrong user or password is used, I do not see audit events on the DC…
Dave M
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0 answers

Cannot reach HTTPS page with self-signed server certificate and DoD CA certificates

I'm attempting to create a local web server using Flask, a Python microframework, that uses the PKIs on a DoD CAC. I've created the self-signed root CA and server certificate and key following this set of instructions. I then downloaded the…
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1 answer

Sharing a UPN between root and child AD domains

Is it possible to share a UPN between a root and child AD domains? We're considering our options around how to structure an Active Directory domain with the option of splitting off the child domain should the business be sold down the line. Ideally…
1 answer

Using custom auth through hardware device on Windows network map drive possible?

I want to custom the auth method when connecting smb as a client on Windows to a linux server. I expect to it to work like this: When connecting as a network map drive, Windows auth center will read from a specified hardware interface(eg. a com…
1 answer

Windows Authentication not working on Windows Server 2012 R2

I've exhausted every bit of me to get Windows Authentication to work on the server and I cannot find any help on the internet. Windows authentication is working on my local PC, below is what I've done so far, kindly assist me understand if there's…
0 answers

Configure an IIS 10 ASP.NET MVC app to allow only specific domain user to access "/api/" URLs

This is on Windows Server 2019, the web app is a ASP.NET MVC app (.NET FW 4.6) I'm not sure how to debug this. The AppPool runs under a Managed Service Account! (not that it helps using AppPoolIdentity :-| ) I've enabled/installed Windows and URL…
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2 answers

Running a Windows service under a domain account from a non-member server

I've got a standalone Windows Server 2003 running SQL Server 2005 and a Windows Server 2003 Active Directory domain controller. Using maintenance plans/SQL Server Agent, I'm trying to write the database dumps from the standalone box to a share on…
0 answers

How to configure Windows Authentication (NTLM, Negotiate) to work when using IISARR?

As part of the upgrade from Win 2008 to Win 2016-project, we have introduced the use of DNS-aliases (way overdue) for all IIS-sites in all enviroments. We now use IIS with ARR installed as a proxy server in order to "hide" the servername:portnumber…
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1 answer

MSSQL Authentication Against Remote Server

I want to use MSSQL authentication for a database I'm creating for a corporation. The problem is, due to corporate politics, the IT department will not allocate any virtual server space to us. It also seems unwise to use a laptop sitting somewhere…
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1 answer

Ldap Active directory checking (and securely storing it) user provided password

Hey all I am needing to know if it is possible to check a users typed in password against the AD to make sire it's the correct password? Reason being is that once they log in I need to use their user name and password to do some web service calls…
2 answers

Connective Lamp Server to Windows Domain

I recently made a centos lamp server running apache mysql and php. I have wordpress and phpbb3 installed and running on the server. The linux server is running in the same building as a windows 2003 server. Is there a way to connect the linux and…
2 answers

BYOD - AD Authentication Issues

I am a guy who brings his "own rig" to work. In this new gig I have to run some apps as a domain user provided. I shift + "right click" -> run as a different user and insert the domain credentials, but this fails. If I sit on a colleague's machine…
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