Questions tagged [webdav]

Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning is an extension to the HTTP/1.1 protocol that allows clients to perform remote Web content authoring operations.

Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning is an extension to the HTTP/1.1 protocol that allows clients to perform remote Web content authoring operations.

293 questions
3 answers

Connect via Webdav from Windows 7?

I'm trying to connect to an Alfresco server, via Webdav, from a Windows 7 client. I can create a web folder connection with the wizard, but there are three or more folder links created and none of them work, double clicking on them simply does…
Mikael Grönfelt
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5 answers

Could not open the lock database - Apache WebDAV setup

I configured a WebDAV server using Apache. Here is my configuration: DAVLockDB /var/www/DAVLock.db AllowOverride None Options +Indexes DAV On AuthUserFile /var/www/users.db AuthName Authentication AuthType…
Majid Azimi
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7 answers

Windows 7, HTTPS WebDav: Asks for password twice and fails. Any workarounds?

I have a Dav server running with PHP SabreDav ( on Cherokee at an HTTPS secured URL. It's set to use https, and uses Digest Authentication. I can log in with multiple browsers and a few third party clients…
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5 answers

Networked filesystem with user level security for linux

I want to enable file sharing between servers and clients, both linux. I don't want to rely on machine trust like in NFSv4 because client users will have root privileges. What are my options besides SMB (SAMBA)? Does OpenAFS support user level…
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4 answers

Tell me the pros and cons of using WebDAV over SSL for file server access instead of SMB

In the organisation I'm in we have a mixture of OS X and windows XP. For years the Macs have also connected via SMB to the fileserver, however it's always been a bit flaky. On OS X it's prone to dropouts, and since we've upgraded our main server…
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2 answers

apache2.4 with webdav give an 405 error

I just upgraded my test machine from Apache 2.2.29 to 2.4.10 and actually Im getting some issue with webdav module. If I try to login to a webdav account it works but if I try to list my current directory I got a 405 error. I know some config as…
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3 answers

How to set default umask for Tomcat webdav servlet?

The title says it all. I need Tomcat's webdav servlet to create files with rw-rw-r-- rights, but it keeps creating it as rw-r--r--. I tried to set up umask in /etc/profile, but it didn't help (although manualy created new files has desired…
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1 answer

NET USE command doesn't authenticate when credentials are passed as parameters

I'm trying to connect to a remote WebDAV server by mapping it as a drive using NET USE command. NET USE * /user: Executing this command gives the following error: System error 1244 has occurred. The operation being…
4 answers

Map Network Drive to a WebDAV Server via PowerShell

My goal is to map a network drive in Windows to a WebDAV server via PowerShell. I have a script that automatically creates an Azure VM with IIS installed and WebDAV configured. I can successfully map manually the network drive via Windows Explorer…
Peter Kirchner
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1 answer

Managing Apache to Compensate for WebDAV's Security Masking

When a user creates a file via WebDAV, the default behavior is that the file is owned by the user and group running the Apache process, with a umask of 022. Unfortunately, this makes it impossible for unprivileged users to write to the files by…
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2 answers

Best practice to link with WebDAV, as FollowSymLinks doesn’t allow to show symlinks

Symbolic links are a widespread practice on linux to make a ressource (e.g. directory) available in another location without having to maintain several copies of it. This is implemented in many applications, e.g. having a ressources tree and a tree…
Matthias Ronge
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2 answers

Does WebDAV even work on IIS 7? I say nay

AKA "When developers have to be their own sysadmins" I've tried every configuration from the top 10 stack overflow and server fault results for WebDAV 405 on IIS (for verb PROPFIND and PUT). I'm running server 2008 SP2. Followed all the…
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3 answers

mounting webdav as user (no sudo)

With FUSE it is possible to mount many things purely as a non privileged user. However, it seems that for webdav davfs2 is the preferred project, which appears to be a filesystem driver and uses the standard mount/umount which requires privileges.…
Michael Neale
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1 answer

PROPFIND requests from a Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir/6.0.6002 user agent on Apache server where Samba is also running

Ok, here is the context. We've a server which is inside our network; on the server there is a Samba configured, providing access to a number of shares; there is also and Apache server providing other services (among them is also WebDav, but for svn…
Marco Bizzarri
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2 answers

Apache and per-user WebDAV DocumentRoot

I have a WebDAV user set up that currently gets usernames and passwords from my MySQL Database. I give users the option to use WebDAV for large file uploads (this is for a file sharing service I'm currently developing) but I've reached a little…
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