Questions tagged [web-applications]

369 questions
1 answer

Azure Web Apps With Java, MySql, Filesystem

Some background is I currently have a VM deployed on Azure. On the VM I have 3 java web applications running on a Tomcat server. Each are integrated in some way or another. They all run on the same MySql server which is running on the vm and all 3…
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Connecting Web App to new VPN in Azure

Is it possible to connect a Web App to a 'Virtual network' (not a 'Virtual network (classic)') in Azure - and if so how. I virtual network, with a virtual network gateway connected but there does not seem to be any way to configure a point-to-site…
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Imitate Azure AD user/tenant claims within ADFS

I have a .Net web application that allows users to hook up their account with an identity provider (Azure AD, Google, and/or ADFS) to allow single sign-on. On hooking up their account (or "on-boarding", whatever...), each provider should return…
2 answers

Large request body DoS attacks - is this really much of a concern?

Can anyone explain why limiting the maximum request body size is useful for preventing DoS attacks? ModSecurity defaults to 1MB for example with SecRequestBodyNoFilesLimit. I guess I'm wondering why this matters that much since I thought usually…
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Replicating web application traffic to another instance for testing

I have a .net web application, I wanted to test APM solutions like newrelic or appdynamics. Unfortunately I had issues with newrelic. When I installed .net agent of newrelic, every now and then some new exceptions was happening. I guess it was due…
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Are There any Web-Based Load-Balancing Managers?

I've setup load-balancing and clustering on a few linux systems for serving web and database content, and each time it's a fairly laborious process. So I'm wondering, are there any web-based managers, or possibly just monitoring interfaces, for…
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Tomcat 6 uses old, non-existing web.xml

I have a weird issue with Tomcat 6 and OpenGrok webapp, Tomcat seems to use some old, nowadays non-existing web.xml. I'm trying to add some roles for access control to the web.xml, but Tomcat never takes the new web.xml into use. I've tried deleting…
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Dealing with web applications who have very large media folders

I'm in the process of updating a legacy system to use current technologies. One of my tasks was to allow the many different file-based projects to deploy as WAR files which tomcat would extract. Now I'm having trouble with two projects in particular…
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4 answers

Web Application Performance Testing - End User Experience

I currently maintain servers that host a .NET web application for external customers (primarily Microsoft technologies). I would like to find some tools or services that would let me measure web application response time and/or end user experience…
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IIS 7.5 - Deployed WebApp can't access network shared's folder / files

I come back with a new question for you guys. :) My project need to work with some important data and print the results. I'm working with a big db and few files located on my company's network. So I need to open them, extract data, etc... But it's…
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rpm spec file is not executed on rpm install

I am creating an rpm installer for my web applications. On the spec file, i got this on %prep and %install %prep #will create and cd to the named directory before doing the untar. %setup -c -n %{name} %install php install.php The issue is that…
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Web app architecture - firewall blocking

I'm currently working on a web app and seem to be having a few problems with the app being blocked by office firewalls of our test groups. My background is in design / front end so my knowledge of network stuff is a bit fuzzy. I'll describe our…
3 answers

Good web based download manager?

I already asked this question in SO, but since I couldn't find exaclty what I was looking for (and based on Workshop Alex suggestion in the answer) I decide to ask here. Here in our company we usually make avaiable some files to our costumers and…
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Linux router: User friendly, web-based traffic monitor app

This is not a tech question but I hope someone can help me out. I've been searching all over the web for an app like this, but I can't seem to find one: Friendly user interface where a non-technical person can manage LAN computers. Set individual…
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2 answers

docker containers in a CI pipeline process

I am trying to integrate docker containers in my simple CI pipeline for deploying a webapp. I have 3 containers with nginx, tomcat and mysql. I understood the basics of how to create these containers using Dockerfiles and linking them together. My…
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