Questions tagged [web-applications]

369 questions
1 answer

Routing Rules icon in Microsoft ARR 3 - Server Farm Section Does not exist

I want to implement Application Load Balancing by Application Request Routing - ARR3 on IIS8. I download ARR3 Source file and install on my server. the server farm section created in my iis but when I check the ARR modules it includes Cacheing,…
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Windows user to Webapp - No authentication needed

I would like to retrieve the windows user in a webapp. Currently using Kerberos/Apache/Tomcat, the variable REMOTE_USER is set in http header so is fine. But now my needs have changed : no more client authentication (no more Kerberos) user should…
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Digital signing certificate for SOAP

I'm calling a third-party Web Service with SOAP requests. This service requires me to to sign my SOAP requests digitally. Regarding to How to buy a X.509 certificate for signing digital payloads question, I bought an Email Signing Certificate from…
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Azure WebApp Socket can't connect

I have a ASP .NET application hosted as a WebApp in Azure and a Xamarin client app that consumes that WebApi in Azure. As soon as I changed my webapi to an Azure WebApp, which was previously hosted in non-azure VM and it was working fine, my Xamarin…
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Azure Virtual Network - Web App through P2S through S2S VPN tunnel

First of, I'm not really that much into networking stuff, so I might use wrong expressions and stuff. My issue is that I need to connect a web app to an onpremise machine. I've read the MS guides and have come along way, but stumble at the finish…
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proxy a web applications with url prefix

How can I proxy web applications with url prefix using Nginx or Apache2 in my server? For example, I run a NextCloud in Docker and I want to access it by https://my-domain.example/nextcloud/, so I use nginx with below config. location /nextcloud…
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Web Application Publishing on Citrix with Restricted Access

We have a Citrix setup enabling users to access our applications from home. Basically, they login to our site using the Windows Authentication. Once, the are successfully logged in, they see the following icons Desktop - Full Screen (which provides…
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Imperva WAF (Web application firewall) - No HTTP hits

We have run a script on a particular WEB application, we could see the alerts and violation for the respective server group. But Couldn't see any HTTP hits for the same server group. Could somebody help me on this. Thanks in advance
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Web apps vs desktop apps

It seems like Chrome OS completely ignores the need of desktop apps. What are the Pros and Cons of desktop apps.
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Website redirect and DNS entry for website hosted on Windows Server 2008 R2

We have web application that is hosted on on premise Windows Server 2008 R2. We were previously accessing it via http://xx.xx.xx.xx/WebApp Just few days ago, we bought a SSL certificate issued to ( and installed it on the web server and…
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Alternative way of passing system/environment variable to service (glassfish)

I have a glassfish application server that is running under the glassfish user on CentOS 7.2. I have an application that has a deployed application that is needing a custom environment variable (e.g. export App_Home=/opt/App). The application is…
Kevin Vasko
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Get client IP from Web application via Load-Balancer alternative

If a Web application server (ex. nginx&php-fpm) is behind Load-Balancer such as AWS-ELB: Client -> Load-Balancer -> Web Application server To get the real client IP from Web application has two way to implement for me: Handle the forward IP on Web…
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error with Event 36874 with web API2

I got this error with communicating with web api 2 that authenticate using bearer OAuth2 An TLS 1.2 connection request was received from a remote client application, but none of the cipher suites supported by the client application are supported by…
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Migrating Umbraco Sites to Azure

I have been asked to move all of our internally hosted Umbraco sites over to Azure Web Apps, the problem is I know nothing from the Web side of things (I know my way around SQL and IIS but only from a management point of view). I have looked at…
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Is load balancing or HA setup recommended?

I have an application which is running on a webserver(ws1) and connected to a app server(as1). I have the same application running on another webserver(ws2) and another appserver(as2). But I have only one reverse proxy server. So my setup is…