Questions tagged [web-applications]

369 questions
2 answers

debugging JBoss 100% CPU usage

We are using JBoss to run two of our WARs. One is our web app, the other is our web service. The web app accesses a database on another machine and makes requests to the web service. The web service makes JMS requests to other machines, aggregates…
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Tomcat fails on first request in combination with jsvc

I have a web application where the first request may take a few seconds as some singletons are initialised. I've used the mod_proxy and jsvc construction mentioned in this question and described on this page to connect apache with tomcat (data is…
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"Request timed out" error in web application after server migration to Azure

My company has migrated all of our on-prem servers to Azure. We are in the process of functional testing our application. So far, we have found no errors save for one. Whenever we click on a button on the website, the page hangs for about five…
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Dev/Production Deployment of a Web App in Docker

I'm running a web app (Wordpress, actually, but I think it mostly does not matter for the question). It is running in two Docker containers, one containing an Apache web server (via the official wordpress Docker image) and one containing a MariaDB.…
1 answer


for my Webapp (Angular App) we are using NGNIX as web server. I have a task where I need to make sure all assets/images are loaded over HTTPS. In the Browser Dev tools, I see the request is sent over HTTPS. However, the response location header is…
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Application Pool set to AlwaysRunning does not Auto Start The Hosted Service

I have configured an pool to auto-start and never sleep. I am having problems with the auto-start. My understanding is that a thread pool worker will be started after a recycle when that happens I would assume the application entry point would be…
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Pointing domain to DigitalOcean App Platoform without changing MX records

I am using the newly created App Platform from Digital Ocean. I am trying to point my domain to the server that I created within Digital Ocean. I am told I need to add a CNAME to my domain (since DO only gives me a domain rather than an IP), but…
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Best (if any) http status code for expired dns records?

Premise: I'm facing an issue with load balancing with my own custom DNS server, over multiple web servers. My intention is to be able to quickly and dynamically switch the users I want between different servers by giving them new "A Records". What…
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How properly manage several webapps on one domain nginx

I'm trying to setup several webapps (nextcloud, roundcube) on one domain, let's say, without using cname subdomains. I installed webapps in default location /usr/share/webapps/ and I want this directory to be also my webroot server. How…
6 answers

Best Practices? Send Mail from Web App

We have a web application that is sort of like a CRM app. People can log in and manage their business with other folks. As part of that management, our application may send emails to the people being managed. The wrinkle here is that our customers…
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Webapp not working with proxy

On a single server I'm using to demo a system, I have a static website running on apache2 and a demo web app running on an instance of tomcat. Both are working fine when accessed directly. I've setup a proxy to convert the web app port and messy…
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What needs to be considered when choosing a distro for Web App Hosting?

What should you consider when choosing a distro for Web App Hosting? I want to host my node.js web app on an AWS EC2 instance and I am at the part where they essentially ask what operating system I want to use. I have seen some sites say CentOS is…
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How to configure different web app from different server with Nginx?

I have a website with domain in a server with IP x.x.x.x. It runs with Nginx and Let's Encrypt very well, which is located in /var/www/app1. The domain is obtained and managed via a providerXYZ. Last time I can deploy a web application…
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How to enable SSL for a web application and HTTP API running in AWS?

I've held off on writing this question because I'm not sure if it belongs on ServerFault or StackOverflow. I have a React web application hosted in an AWS S3 bucket and using CloudFront. I have a REST API written as a Java Spring Boot application…
1 answer

Should Active Directory, Web Apps and MS-SQL all have the same users?

I am looking for a clean way to do audit trails in MS SQL Server, for compliance reasons, preferably completely on the database side without involving the web application. When talking about audit trails I mean a complete log of the changes to the…