Setup IIS to require client certificate and to use anonymous authentication
I have a WCF web service for our customers to use. I want to protect this using client certificates. I will also use the client certificate to identify the customer.
I've made the identification part work, but I cannot make make the IIS require client certificates.
If I set the IIS to accept client certificates, the communication works and I can get the client identity using:
But I can also access the site without a client certificate. I'm not sure if those without can do anything else than read the WSDL, but I don't want anyone without a trusted certificate to be able to get any information at all.
If I set the IIS to require client certificate, my test client who should have access gets the error:
The HTTP request was forbidden with client authentication scheme 'Anonymous'.
I want to allow access only to those who have a client certificate trusted by the server. Anyone else shall be rejected.
Server WCF configuration:
<behavior name="DefaultBehavior">
<serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="true" httpsGetEnabled="true" />
<serviceDebug includeExceptionDetailInFaults="true" />
<authentication certificateValidationMode="ChainTrust" />
<serviceCertificate findValue="64343ee2c8338518e78ba698f3936dc92c90db57" x509FindType="FindByThumbprint" />
<binding name="DefaultBinding">
<security mode="TransportWithMessageCredential">
<transport clientCredentialType="Certificate" />
<message clientCredentialType="Certificate" />
<service name="WebService.Service" behaviorConfiguration="DefaultBehavior">
<endpoint address="" binding="wsHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="DefaultBinding" contract="WebService.IService" />
<endpoint address="mex" binding="mexHttpBinding" contract="IMetadataExchange" />
Client WCF configuration.
<behavior name="DefaultBehavior">
<clientCertificate storeLocation="LocalMachine" findValue="d084c91a8f81878cd4dd991bbab348235f0fd1a3" x509FindType="FindByThumbprint" />
<authentication certificateValidationMode="ChainTrust" />
<binding name="WSHttpBinding_IService">
<security mode="TransportWithMessageCredential">
<transport clientCredentialType="Certificate" />
<message clientCredentialType="Certificate" />
<endpoint address="https://host/WebService/Service.svc"
behaviorConfiguration="DefaultBehavior" binding="wsHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="WSHttpBinding_IService"
contract="WebService.IService" name="WSHttpBinding_IService">