Questions tagged [top]

top is a Unix/Linux/BSD program to show what processing are running. It can show the top users of CPU or memory.

294 questions
2 answers

top command occupied high cpu usage

My system is SUSE 10 and I observe that top occupies 57% CPU usage when I use it. I don't have too many processes: ps -eLf | wc -l 106 Here are top's stats: cat /proc/2913/stat 2913 (top) R 2879 2913 2879 34819 2913 8396800 411 0 0 0 60648 199580…
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Linux top command. Memory usage

I am testing my web server with Jmeter. I launch 40 users test, then dump top command. What i see, is 40 (+1 host) apache processes. Each process uses appr. 7mb of RES memory. But 7*40 is 280 mb of memory. But top shows that there are 508mb total…
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2 answers

Load average at 1, even though I've stopped all services!

I have a virtual server running Debian 5 where any action is very slow (like password verification when logging in via SSH or doing su). I checked the load average, which is hovering around 1-2. Then I stopped all services (apache, mysql, postfix,…
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1 answer

Which PHP script is overloading my VPS?

Is there a way to get the PHP script filename that is currently hammering my VPS? For example, when I view "top", I see: PID USER PR NI VIRT RES SHR S %CPU %MEM TIME+ COMMAND 7622 itil 17 0 61388 11m 6004 R 45.8 2.3 0:00.13…
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4 answers

Linux high memory usage (top total mismatch)

I havea poor mans vps - 256MB dedicated RAM. I have installed LAMP. No website is currently UP on the server yet. The memory usage is still 225MB (only 31 MB free). I have measured using top and another method. Top says around 225mb used, but if I…
5 answers

Linux server performance profiling - how to see what caused high load

If a server is experiencing high load, I use top and similar tools to troubleshoot why. However, this is only effective if I can analyze while the server is experiencing the problem. What are some good tools for finding root cause of high server…
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5 answers

Give me my KILL-power when something goes wrong

We've had it a few times now. Suddenly our production server won't respond because a process is in an infinite loop, or the MySQL server stops serving new requests because one query is blocking everything... We SSH to the server and use ps aux or…
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3 answers

Why does 'top' indicate low memory usage, whilst 'free' indicates high memory usage?

Why does 'top' indicate low memory usage, whilst 'free' indicates high memory usage? Mem: 262144k total, 225708k used, 36436k free, 47948k buffers Swap: 262136k total, 40k used, 262096k free, 110704k cached PID USER PR…
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1 answer

Why are cpu usage percentage different between top and iostat?

On a heavily loaded database server, I am getting vastly different output from top and iostat for cpu usage. Why might the value be different? top: %Cpu(s): 84.7 us, 11.8 sy, 0.3 ni, 2.4 id, 0.6 wa, 0.0 hi, 0.2 si, 0.1 st iostat avg-cpu: …
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1 answer

What could be causing load spikes on this EC2 instance?

I have an Amazon EC2 instance (c1.medium, ami-ed46a784) that experiences short spikes in load average every 32 hours or so. The average load is normally around 0.15 but rises to 3+ for about 15 minutes during these spikes. During this time there is…
Garret Heaton
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4 answers

Linux memory usage

We've been having some Linux memory usage problems on some of our servers. free, top, ps, and vmstat are all showing 261M free out of 1G (~25%). However, adding up the amount of memory shown per process in top shows that we should be using very…
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1 answer

How to understand the "SIZE" output of the command top on FreeBSD

I am working on a VPS with 512 of RAM, I installed mysql, run the command top and found that the value of SIZE for mysql is 638M: last pid: 2023; load averages: 0.17, 0.19, 0.21 …
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2 answers

Why is this server reporting high memory usage

It seems that given the memory percentage of the processes listed, my server should not be at 98% memory usage. Why is the cumulative memory usage so high? top - 14:34:50 up 14 days, 22:54, 3 users, load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05 Tasks: 139 total,…
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3 answers

CentOS 7.1 - Reverting to Old Functionality of top and service

I recently installed a fresh CentOS 7.1 server. I'm noticing a few differences from CentOS 6.7, and I'm hoping there is a way to revert to an old view of certain things. For example: Question 1: top The Top command displays data differently. For…
1 answer

Running 'top' with 'Irix mode' off in batch mode

Can anyone tell me how I can tweak the following top command so that it always runs in Solaris mode in a batch mode operation? top -d 3 -n 2 -b -p I need 'top' to output a process' CPU usage that had already been divided by the total number…
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