Questions tagged [top]

top is a Unix/Linux/BSD program to show what processing are running. It can show the top users of CPU or memory.

294 questions
2 answers

How do get apache display url request in Top and PS?

Is there a way to get apache to display the url that it is handling in top and ps? This would help us nail down performance issues much more faster. Thanks.
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Memory Usage in LINUX

I have a debian system. It has 8GB memory. When I do top it shows 7.9 GB memory used and rest free. I add up the memory usage of all the programs running from top and they hardly sum up to around 50 MB. So, where is rest of the memory being used?…
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How can I tell which page is creating a high-CPU-load httpd process?

I have a LAMP server (CentOS-based MediaTemple (DV) Extreme with 2GB RAM) running a customized Wordpress+bbPress combination . At about 30k pageviews per day the server is starting to groan. It stumbled earlier today for about 5 minutes when there…
1 answer

How do I change the output line length from the "top" linux command running in batch mode

The following command is useful to capture the current processes that are taking up the most CPU and store to a file: top -c -b -n 1 > top.log The -c flag is particularly useful because it gives you the command line arguments of each process rather…
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is CPU actually occupied during iowait (%wa in top) on Linux / EC2?

On an 8-way Amazon EC2 instance (running Linux 2.6.21) with 8 EBS volumes and a lot of disk traffic, we see high %wa in top (30-40%), and high load average (8-9). My understanding is that processes waiting on I/O from the EBS volumes are counted in…
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TOP cpu %ulitization exceeds number of procs X 100%

I have a VM with 2 virtual CPUs. When I run two multi-threaded java proceses the total CPU utilization in top exceeds 200%. In fact its closer to 800%. alt text I thought that %CPU was the percentage utilization of…
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how do you interpret output of top?

Some things in top's output are pretty straightforward, like memory and swap usage. But load average numbers are a bit of a mystery: what do these three numbers mean? Also, what exactly is a zombie process and how is it different from a sleeper? top…
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How does docker stats output relate to top output?

I've got a process running in a Docker container on Linux, with a 2GByte memory limit. (The container is started with docker run --memory=2g.) Here is what top says about it after it's been running for a while. PID USER PR NI VIRT RES …
Tom Seddon
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ATOP: vmcom / vmlim -> SWP is red

in ATOP I'm getting a red alert like this: vmcom 76.3G | vmlim 49.8G This is a value that is attached to the "SWP" (so "SWAP" is meant?)-line. What does this mean and what can I do against it?
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Measuring load - %CPU in top is different than %us

When I run TOP on a remote server, I see a very small system utilization (3.8%us). However, for the actual process I am seeing 29.6% of the CPU. Since this server has 8 CPU cores, is the %CPU the utilization of only 1 CPU, while the us up top is…
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How to get /proc/[pid]/cmdline to contain command arguments?

I am running into an issue where some of my Ubuntu/Debian servers do not show the arguments passed to rake in either top or ps. I have tracked this problem down to a variation in output given by /proc/[pid]/cmdline. This is the file that seems to…
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0% CPU in top for all processes, but load average > 1

On two different servers (with Ubuntu 12.04LTS AMD64) I have seen the following behaviour: op - 10:50:05 up 305 days, 21:17, 1 user, load average: 1.94, 2.52, 2.97 Tasks: 141 total, 2 running, 139 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie Cpu(s):…
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1 answer

top process state column under FreeBSD

When running top interactively, I can see various words in the state column : nanslp, biord, select, uwait, lockf, pause, kqread, piperd, sbwait ... Some like nanslp or kqread are self explanatory, others are not. Tried Mr man pages : STATE is…
2 answers

How to read `top`. Process list says processes have swap but overview says no swap is being used

I am using top to monitor my server. The swap row reads Swap: 1044220k total, 0k used, 1044220k free, 148544k cached I have hit O p to sort by swap. PID USER PR NI VIRT RES SHR S %CPU %MEM TIME+ SWAP COMMAND 703 mysql…
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2 answers

Diagnosing high CPU waiting

I have a monitoring server that is running icinga/collectd/graphite with about 50 hosts. I have noticed high load/slugging performance on the box. If you take a look at top, you'll see: Cpu(s): 0.6%us, 0.2%sy, 0.0%ni, 7.6%id, 23.4%wa, 0.0%hi,…
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