Questions tagged [top]

top is a Unix/Linux/BSD program to show what processing are running. It can show the top users of CPU or memory.

294 questions
3 answers

top is only showing current user processes

Recently got a dedicated server running CentOS 6.7, we have ran updates and noticed that top is only showing processes for the current user. [myuser@server2 ~]$ top -b -n1 top - 20:19:20 up 1 day, 10:09, 3 users, load average: 0.80, 0.50,…
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Is there a tool that can top-ify an input stream?

I come across quite a few use cases where it would be very useful to take input from a (usually newline-delimited) stream and summarise it in a top-like fashion (see top, iotop, etc). A kind of on-the-fly pivot table. e.g. Take the log-esque…
1 answer

Why do I see many mongod processes running?

I am running a single MongoDB database. No sharding. When I run htop, I see a lot of instances of mongod. Is that normal? Does every connection create a separate mongod process? Should I be concerned? For some reason when I use top, only one of them…
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4 answers

free shows more memory used than top process total

UPDATE: This was being caused due to a known issue with nss-softkn. See this article: When I run free -m from my centos 6.5 box I am seeing that I only have around 1400 mb of…
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why top gives cpu percents more than 100%

see below statistics by "top -u steve", something is wrong with top? PID USER PR NI VIRT RES SHR S %CPU %MEM TIME+ COMMAND 3490 steve 20 0 10444 312 248 R 114 0.0 23:33.22 test2 25479 steve 20 0 867m…
Steve Peng
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Identify which process is responsible for heavy disk i/o under FreeBSD

I wonder how I can monitor which process takes out all my IO bandwith. The only command i know is gstat but it shows cumulative info. Is there any tools i can use to inspect the running processes for their io usage? The system is FreeBSD 8.3 Thank…
Sergey Efimov
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TIME+ column in top command is inaccurate

I just ran the top command to observe the following process chown -r me:me allMyMusic And it's been running for about 5 minutes, however the TIME+ column in the top command has reported it as running for about 0:12.10 seconds. It's also…
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Memory Usage by Bytes Top 10

I need a way to see how many bytes to top ten processes are using not percentage. I am using centos
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High CPU usage without useful information from top command

Over the past 2 days I started having problems with a server which has a few users on it. The server is an OpenVZ VPS. Normally when I experience high CPU usage, I always use top command to find out the reason. But for this server, I don't receive…
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On a freshly-rebooted server why would the CPU running time of processes be huge?

I rebooted our server this morning, yet there are umpteen processes that appear to have been running for 600+ days? Could someone please shed some light? The datetime of the machine is correct: [root@abc youdev]# hwclock Wed 23 Jul 2014 15:50:35 BST…
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2 answers

top command - cpu from processes do not add up

I understand the various types of cpu usage reported by the top command (6.5%us, 17.2%sy, 0.0%ni, etc...), but why does the total %CPU for each process not add up to any of the Cpu(s) values? For example, below the java process is consuming 77.5%…
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3 answers

tail: inotify cannot be used, reverting to polling: Too many open files

tail: inotify cannot be used, reverting to polling: Too many open files I'm running apache and tomcat servers on Ubuntu (AWS ec2). Whenever I try to tail the catalina.out of tomcat I get too many open files. However I am able to view it using…
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1 answer

Sum of memory of few processes in top is greater than 100%

I'm trying to calculate the amount of memory used by AMP in an LAMP stack machine. top -bn1 | grep -E '(mysql|httpd|php)' | awk '{mem += $(NF-2)} END {print mem}' But the sum generated using the above command is greater than 100%, but I was…
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MongoDB virtual memory usage

I'm testing MongoDB for archives data. We have a collection with 160M rows. MongoDB instance takes 76.2 Gb virtual memory on a 12 Gb physical memory box ;-) The swap in null. I read that virtual memory = physical + swap. What's wrong in my case ? It…
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1 answer

Mysterious swap usage on EC2

We're in the middle of a project to move our infrastructure from a co-lo situation into Amazon EC2 and we've noticed some weird memory characteristics of the processes in our setup. Without going into too much detail about the specifics of our…
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