Questions tagged [tomcat8]

The Apache Tomcat software is an open source implementation of the Java Servlet, JavaServer Pages, Java Expression Language and Java WebSocket technologies.

114 questions
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tomcat 8 silent install on windows as service

I'd like to create installer for my application. I need to install tomcat 8 as service on windows host. Is there any possibility to install it in silent mode and provide parameters to configure ports, heapsize, ...? Thanks
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Dynamic multicast in AWS not working using IGMPv2

I have a java application running on tomcat on multiple ec2 instances, and I want to deploy it in cluster mode which is working when I configure in each tomcat server a StaticMembershipInterceptor for the other instances. But this is not a viable…
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When migrating from RHEL 7.x to RHEL 8.x (or RHEL-like) how does one resolve Java enterprise application dependencies on apache-commons packages?

With the move from RHEL 7 to RHEL 8, RedHat dropped tomcat from the distribution, refocusing their efforts on JBoss as a separate project and dropping tomcat. I have a legacy application to support about which we know not very much. It comes in a…
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Docker swarm with TOMCAT and NGINX as load balancer

I am trying to set up a docker swarm where NGINX is used for the load balance of the swarm nodes. docker swarm init --advertise-addr Also, I add the two nodes as a swarm docker swarm join --token…
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Ignore directory in Tomcat TldScanner

I run a Java-based CMS which places cached images in the WEB-INF folder, specifically in /WEB-INF/imagecache/. Unfortunately, this directory gets extremely large with lots of nested paths, and Tomcat restarts become excruciatingly slow - setting the…
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Setup a second Tomcat8 instance as a service in Windows

I'm working with a Windows machine that is used for many production applications. There's already a Tomcat8 instance running as a service and located at C:\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat8.5 . I can't by any means edit anything (scripts,…
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AJP failing rewriting urls

I had an Apache-ajp-tomcat(app:mysite) configuration working and somehow I changed something and it is now not working. The urls are being rewritten When before it was working it was rewriting it as I have…
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apache busy worker activity swing proxy tomcat8

We have strange busy workers swing in production server in a cluster (only one of 4). At red line we restart tomcat8 and it stop swinging. Tomcat accepts max 100 http connections and 100 jdbc connections in the pool. It seems to touch the max jdbc…
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SELinux prevent connection clamd_port_t:tcp_socket

We have API Server (tomcat) which has clamAV configuration to scan any uploaded file to the system. clamAV configuration will require the API server to connect to clamAV server. SELinux is enabled on both servers and whenever we try to upload files…
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Install SSL Certificate for Tomcat 8 on New Server

I downloaded the following files from my provider: Can I install the SSL certificate on a new (Ubuntu) server? If so, how? Or do I need to create a new private key and CSR and request a new certificate?
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Disabling SSL for one site/domain in Tomcat 8.5

We currently have an Ubuntu server running Tomcat 8.5 that hosts two websites from different domains. It's a weird situation but long story short, we need to disable SSL for one of the two sites and keep SSL functioning for the other site. This…
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What is the perfect tomcat virtualization config file?

I am managing tomcat server behind the nginx. In tomcat multiple webapps are there. My OS is Ubuntu 18.04LTS on Digital Ocean. Everything working fine, but suddenly I have one issue popped up. Tomcat is running fine, but webapps are not working !…
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After Tomcat 8.5 update, buttons not working only on a particular dns url

Recently we had an update from tomcat 6 to tomcat 8.5. When I am trying to login to my web gui via direct link it is working fine but when I used the dns url, for first time it works fine but if we create another window with same dns link, some…
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Here's a Tomcat puzzler with TLS protocols (and I've already got it on the Tomcat Users' list server)

I have a Tomcat 8.5 server running on an Amazon Linux EC2 Linux instance. Tomcat is running on port 8443, with IPTables remapping 443 to it. I've changed the "sslProtocol" clause of the connector to specify TLS 1.2 protocol. And the change doesn't…
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tomcat certificate renewal/update

There are a lot of docs out there about installing a certificate to Tomcat, but are there instructions on how to renew/update a certificate? For instance, when I try to follow the instructions in tomcat docs, I get the following: keytool -import…
Tony B
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