Questions tagged [tomcat8]

The Apache Tomcat software is an open source implementation of the Java Servlet, JavaServer Pages, Java Expression Language and Java WebSocket technologies.

114 questions
1 answer

I am running Tomcat behind NGINX SSL - Which setting to use?

I am running Tomcat behind NGINX SSL, Can anyone tell me what is the best setting for tomcat server.xml ? Should I add the properties : < secure="true" proxyName="localhost" proxyPort="443" scheme="https"…
2 answers

Can't access tomcat externally in Centos 7

I just installed tomcat 8 on a Centos 7 server and I know it's working because I could get tomcat's index.html with wget http://localhost:8080. (I couldn't think of another way of testing in a remote server). Now I want to access it externally but…
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How to use httpd (https/ssl) as proxy server for tomcat

I have installed httpd and tomcat on my server but somehow I'm not able to connect them. ServerName ServerAlias ServerAdmin ****************** DocumentRoot…
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Google Compute Engine - DSpace stops working when I turn on the instance

A few months ago I installed DSpace (an open source repository that uses tomcat) on a Google virtual machine. A few weeks ago I paused the instance and now that I re-enabled it it doesn't open. I don't even know why the external IP changed, however…
1 answer

Tomcat running on 8080 port but Fails to redirect to 8443 HTTPS port .. The 8443 port is running but cant access in web

I have deployed webapps with apache-tomcat-8.5.37. It had ssl and was working fine but when I tried to renew the ssl and installed JKS file it started to show different problems. I have resolved various cases but could not resolve the port…
1 answer

Nginx configuration for multiple domains and same application

I have the following scenario: A single application that will serve several different domains, on a single server, and a single context of a single Tomcat instance. (The DNS of all domains are configured and functional) That is, I need it when the…
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How to get rid of not secure connection( Not secure https://example) to secure connection.(secure

Hi I'm accessing a site which is on DMZ. I'm getting NOT SECURE How Can I make it secure only on my machine. I understood that the certificate is not trusted. How can I make my machine trust that site. I exported certificate…
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tomcat-7.0.23 shuts down automatically on aws server

Have installed tomcat tomcat-7.0.23 on AWS server, but the last tomcat server which I started gets down automatically. Have gone through similar question "tomcat on aws shuts down automatically", but didn't solve `my problem. Below are the lines…
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2 answers

ubuntu server 14.04 LTS unusual outgoing traffic

I have virtual private host with ubuntu server 14.04 LTS. On this server, we serve web service. We run apache2 and tomcat as web server. apache2 + django1.8 and tomcat8 recently, I observed the server uses 800G out-going traffic per day, but this…
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