Questions tagged [tmux]

59 questions
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Parse through a list of Ansible variables and refer to itself while running task

Problem I have a simple Ansible playbook that creates a list of tmux sessions and then runs a script inside of each session. I am trying to give the tmux sessions names in my vars.yml file. My problem is that I want to run the same command in all of…
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Linux "tmux" Permission denined

I'm trying to run some automated scripts from root that will start running other scripts as another user in a "tmux" session. Example: File 1 - "" - in "root" home directory: #!/bin/bash cd /home/user/; sudo -u user…
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Caveats of installing development tools on production server

I want to install some software on production CentOS box which are not available from repository (like tmux etc). I can download the source and compile it locally, but for doing that I'll need development tools (gcc etc) on a production box. Is it…
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My long-running script in tmux goes to sleep when I disconnect from the server - why?

I’m executing a long-running xml-generating script on a CentOS 6.3 server and using tmux (version 1.6) to keep the script running when I disconnect from the server. My problem is that when I disconnect from the server the script seems to go to sleep…
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Use tmux for managing multiple downloaders as a supervisorctl service?

I have many data-servers I need to download data from via http as soon as it is available. For each server I start a bash "while true"-loop and within that a wget to poll the server for new data. To start all the bashs I created a tmux config…
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Does long running tmux session affect the server and does server need shutdown?

I have 2 questions that are related. 1st) I have a server running centos and is never shutdown. Does server need shutdown , if so how often and what problems can it cause if run without shutdown. 2nd) I have tmux session running on that server. It…
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tmux bash konsole change title

How can I configurate bash or tmux for make konsole change window title? If I run tmux from xterm, it changes title But from konsole not change I also have some tricks in bashrc # window title if [ "$SHELL" = '/bin/bash' ] && [ ! -z…
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Tmux installation problems

hI, I am trying to install the terminal multiplexer tmux on my Debian Lenny server so that I can have multiple terminals through ssh. However I have had a lot of difficulty installing it from the debian package, and by compiling it. When I try the…
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byobu: How can I create a new session in an existing tmux group?

We are using byobu here in our embedded development team to share access to the programmers that are connected to our devices. That way all of our team have access to the device log files and so on. This worked quite well so far. Every member could…
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re-parenting to screen two processes joined by pipe

Let's say in a PuTTY connection I start mysqldump --host host1 --databases db1 db2 db3 | mysql which creates two processes: mysqldump with PID 5800 and mysql with PID 5801. Is it possible to let the running processes continue execution when I want…
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Can not reconnect to instance via ssh in google cloud

I use google could for machine learning. It takes too much time for completing execution. So I use tmux for that so that I can detach and attach to the session. But now when I restart my laptop and try to open ssh. It shows An error occurred while…
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commands not running from crontab

I have setup and cron to check if a port is busy or free and if its free then it sends and email and then start golang api service send mail is working properly but api server is not getting started following is my crontab file */2 * * * *…
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What is right way to tmux with fabric django?

1.I am doing this on local machine tmux new -s amazon then I ssh in to the server into tmux window shh user@amazon then I detach it ctrl b-d Into I am doing like this local("tmux a -t amazon") #attaching detached…
0 answers

Correct tmux disconnect

I have got ubuntu server 12.04 for android application. Application server(python, postgresql) started via tmux. After closing tmux terminal(or "tmux detach") on my computer, application server is still working, but some python methods fails. I can…
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Bashrc function called ssh doesn't work

I created a function in my bashrc file so that when i ssh into something it automatically opens a tmux session. function ssht () { /usr/bin/ssh $@ -t 'tmux a || tmux || /bin/bash' } This works great, but i don't want to use ssht, i want to…
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