Questions tagged [tmux]

59 questions
3 answers

Logout root after tmux detach

I'm running tmux on my servers and when configuring things I like to just su into root and take care of things. Is there a possibilty to log out root automatically after I detach the tmux session?
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Issue with Prompts when SSH from Tmux to Remote Host

I have a Tmux session running locally, in one of the panes I ssh to another host, however once the remote machine is logged in, the cursor is overwriting the command prompt. I think this is happening because the prompt is different widths on the…
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Is gnu screen or tmux more stable for keeping running on the server?

I want to keep a screen or tmux session running forever on a Ubuntu server, possibly for running a Clojure web server application so I can tap into the process via REPL at any time. Gnu screen or tmux -- which is less prone to crash?
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Linux ActiveDirectory Users and tmux

I joined Kubuntu (KDE) on microsoft active directory. now all AD users can login on own desktop with RDP connection without any problem . my problem is: AD user try to use tmux on RDP session ,KDE session completely closed when press CTRL+D or exit…
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How to start tmux session with 2 panes and execute in each pane predefined command, only then connect to this tmux session?

I want to create development environment in docker and establish there tmux session where I can see 2 watch processes (frontend watch process and backend watch process).\ I can't seem to understand how to write bash script that will create tmux…
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Why does zsh behave differently when executed inside tmux?

I have zsh configured to browse command history with prefix search. For example when I type ssh and press ↑, only my last ssh commands are being displayed. However, when I use zsh within tmux session, it stops working. The shell goes back to…
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Script for no hangup, time-consuming process that shuts down the machine after finished

I'm trying to make a script that launches some time-consuming processes detached (using tmux) and also launches a process that works like a sentinel: it looks for the tmux process (in /proc/$(pgrep tmux)) and, if it is not there, I assume everything…
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Exclude or Include certain profile lines during a tmux session start

In my .bash_profile, I have a line to start tmux only if it is present on the system with: [ -z $TMUX ] && export TERM=xterm-256color && exec tmux In a similar vein, I would like to skip or include certain lines: • Have certain lines in my…
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The ulimits in tmux pane are not correct

I have changed the /etc/security/limits.conf file and set the nofile to 4096, and it returns 4096 if I run ulimits -n in an ssh session. But after I run tmux in the same session, ulimit -n returns 1024, which was the default limit. I think this…
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Why "--nodetach" option is needed for xsel when it is started from systemd unit?

I'm trying to adopt Alexey Samoshkin's approach to copy text from remote tmux session into local clipboard. I'm using xsel instead of xclip, and systemd user service instead of system one. Here is my working…
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Directories cease to exist while using tmux

When I connect via ssh to a terminal at work I need to keep sessions alive to run various scripts. However, I often find that the scripts fail because some directory ceases to exist in the meantime. For example, I get errors like sh: 0: getcwd()…
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Forcecommand is giving strange results with Tmux

I'm trying to set up pairing with tmux (wemux specifically). I have a pair user set up on my system and can ssh into pair and attach to a tmux session manually. However when I set up Forcecommand in the Match block to attach to tmux automatically…
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send tmux command from inside ssh session

Inside tmux we ssh to a server that doesn't run tmux local>tmux send-key C-p # works local>ssh user@remote user@remote> tmux send-key C-p tmux: command not found It looks like this more of ssh question.
Nabil Sham
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GNU screen, tmux, dvtm - none are working as ordinary user on OVH VPS

I bought cheapest vps for teamspeak hosting and I have strange issues with demonizing it's process. None of screen tmux and dvtm work for ordinary user, but they work witout a charm for root. As far as i know running server apps from root is not…
Ged Z Gontu
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