Questions tagged [tmux]

59 questions
1 answer

Problems with C^b C^[arrow key] in tmux through a ssh session from a mintty terminal

I have a server that I ssh to from Windows 7 using Cygwin+mintty. On the server I attach to a tmux session. So far so good, but when I try to change the tmux layout using C^b [arrow] and C^b M^[arrow] I get problems. Some times it works, as in the…
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Tmux Status Bar default window names

On one of my clients' servers, I've been using the tmux status bar to monitor long-running processes, both through the automatic window-name changes and by setting window names through ANSI control codes in scripts. It's incredibly useful when you…
Head Geek
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1 answer

Send command to new tmux pane?

If I want to send a command to a running pane in tmux I can do this: tmux send -t foo ls ENTER I figured I could do something like this to do the same but in a new pane: tmux send ls ENTER Is there an easy way to run in a pane?
Philip Kirkbride
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2 answers

What is causing the famous "broken pipe" when I use tmux inside an SSH session?

Scenario1: I SSH from my employer (OSX Yosemite SSH client) to my home server (Debian stable) and (re)connect to a tmux session. If I leave the terminal inactive for a while (~20minutes), it seems like the network connection has been interrupted for…
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use a service to start a new, shared, tmux session (and detach)

I'm trying to use systemctl to launch a process in a new, shared, tmux session. I'm pretty sure my tmux command is all set: I have the socket path set with a shared group. the service is executing under a user that's a member of the group I've…
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Byobu creating new session on every connection

Every time I connect to my Ubuntu 17.10 machine with byobu-enable turned on, I get a new "session" rather than it reusing my existing sessions. On connect: Byobu sessions... 1. tmux: foo: 3 windows (created Sun Jan 28 10:23:59 2018) [204x53]…
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keeping a detached ssh process running *after closing the ssh client*

I ssh in to my ubuntu machine usimg mobaxterm. This works very well. Sometimes I want to keep a process running but exit my ssh session (and exit mobaxterm). I have tried the following but regardless as soon as I close mobaxterm my process on the…
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freeze and thaw tmux and/or terminal sessions?

I would like to be able to freeze and thaw tmux sessions. That is, to take a complex set of session state, persist it, and bring it back from some persistent store later. Essentially, git stash for terminal session state. Does anybody know of a way…
David Watson
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2 answers

FreeBSD out of box Screen/TMUX functionality?

Does FreeBSD include capabilities out of box that are similar to Screen or TMUX? If so, what is the utility called? Update: I'd rather not use Screen due to it licensing. TMUX is BSD-3 clause, which is great. But if FreeBSD includes similar…
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Help with tmux1.5 on Centos

I installed tmux 1.5 on Centos. The installation went ok after installed libevent and other libraries, but when I run tmux I keep getting the following error. tmux fatal: server_start: daemon failed: No such device Any idea what's causing this?
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2 answers

Determine if tmux has a detached session

I'd love to be able to write a script that checked for the presence of a tmux session and attach it, or if no session exists, start a new one. So that I could create a custom command in my .zshrc file, and not have to always check. Is there a way…
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TMUX not creating sessions from CRONTAB

I'm having a heck of a time getting a tmux session to be created from a script executed by crontab. The script executes and the session is created without fail from just running it but if I run it from crontab the session isn't created and it…
Tyler C
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2 answers

Start tmux session immediately after killing tmux server

If I run tmux kill-server ; tmux new -d -s test Sometimes it works, and sometimes I get lost server or no server running on /tmp/tmux-1000/default. If I do tmux kill-server ; sleep 0.1; tmux new -d -s test Then it always works. But I suspect it…
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How to start a detached tmux session via ssh?

I know I can start a detached tmux session like this: > tmux new -d -s mysession sleep 10000 > tmux ls mysession: 1 windows (created Mon Apr 16 22:56:14 2018) [177x62] Now I want to start it via ssh: > ssh some_user@some_host_name tmux new -d -s…
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Easing terminal sizing on OpenVMS

Being somewhat green with OpenVMS, but still trying to "get stuff done", I'd like to make things a little easier in respect of setting terminal height and width. Presently I can SSH to an OpenVMS-8.4-based server (from a pane within my Tmux…
Eric Smith
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