Questions tagged [terminal-server]

a device that terminates serial connections and provides a way for those terminals to connect to services across the network. Terminal servers can also connect modems to the network providing for PPP service aka dial-up Internet.

482 questions
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Windows Terminal Server Standalone Security

I have a Windows Server Terminal 2019 and its running as DC/DNS Terminal Server Its running on a VM in the cloud and is reachable through public IP. I dont want (cannot) build up a firewall in a second VM and build up a whole "network".... I have…
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Change linux shell

On my Centos7 Server I have different shells for my users. For example the terminal as root looks like: [root@hostname www]#. The terminal as a different user looks like bash-4.2$. If I type echo $0 to get the currently-used shell, I get /bin/bash…
Jonas Heinze
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1 answer

Can't login through RDP - "Local Policy of this system does Not Permit You to Log On Interactively"

We have an old windows 2000 terminal server (which is also a domain controller). THe error we're getting is "Local Policy of this system does Not Permit You to Log On Interactively" The user is part of the group "Terminal Server Users". The ou of…
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When is it okay to reboot a server?

I need to reboot a server to get a certain task done. Assuming no other users are present in the system, do I need to ask permission to reboot a server? What if there is some process that needs to complete that was not initiated by a user? I am…
Timothy Pulliam
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2 answers

Terminal Server setup for Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials

I am attempting to setup a new Terminal Server, and found that MS no longer offers TS CALs. I want to verify that I will be able to achieve my desired end results with the licenses I'm currently looking at. My desired end result is the ability for 5…
2 answers

RDP-ing or RDC-ing

I have always used the terminology RDP-ing when describing connecting to a remote desktop. Today I heard a colleague use the term RDC-ing, which triggered a debate. I have not been able to find any publications that can help steer the debate. Does…
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Server 2008 Setup Remote Desktop Services

I have a 2008 server that I can access via remote desktop as I am the domain admin at my work environment. We are installing some software that will require a handful of users to login and use the software. I've always been confused to what type of…
1 answer

How to setup a group profile based for terminal server via LDAP?

I have 4 terminal server "they are clustered together." All of them have the same specs and same configuration. and have Windows Server 2008 R2 installed on them. All users are using LDAP to log in. Also I am using roaming profiles for those…
1 answer

RD server and CALs tracking

I have installed a RD server on 2008R2 and activated the server, installed my 3 CALs per users. How can i track which user is using which CALs? Because so far i've only found how to to reports and it's telling me i have 3 CAL and $ are…
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2 answers

Find out who's using all the bandwidth on a Windows 2008 Terminal Server

We have a couple of Server 2008 terminal servers on the network and we do some basic network monitoring on the firewall to find out which computers are abusing the internet bandwidth. What we haven't workout how to do yet is to monitor which users…
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1 answer

SSH tuneling and machine selection

With putty on Windows I added some tunnel for terminal service through ssh 6664 > 6665 > 6666 > So when I connect with client to it works... Now I want to use to…
1 answer

Users unable to use their printer on Remote Server

For some reason I have two users that can not use their local printer. I can't even add it for them when they are logged in. Has anyone seen this happen before? What do I need to check on on the terminal server to make sure this is allowed? I have…
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3 answers

Windows Server 2008 setup and requirements for 25 remote desktop clients

I want to setup a Windows Server 2008 machine and use it as Terminal Server. I want to setup 25 clients (max) that will usually run applications like office apps, IDE's, or sometimes even applications like Photoshop. Right now I have a Quad core…
1 answer

Terminal Server cannot connect from specific computer

We have a win2k3 Terminal server. I have just set up a new user and granted them access. I have a mac running Remote desktop, and I can access it just fine using that client. When I go to the users computer and try to connect, I'm getting the error…
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1 answer

MS Terminal Server Blocking Website Access

We are trying to access a company website from within the local terminal server client. The website is hosted elsewhere. Previously they had DNS rules in a separate File/DNS server which I deleted and it began to work on that server afterwards. Now…
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