Questions tagged [terminal-server]

a device that terminates serial connections and provides a way for those terminals to connect to services across the network. Terminal servers can also connect modems to the network providing for PPP service aka dial-up Internet.

482 questions
2 answers

How to create a "terminal server server" in xubuntu

I am pretty new to system administration, and I am definitively new to serverfault, so apologies should my question not be following SF standards to the 100%. This is my problem: I have a xubuntu machine with a number of accounts on it that I need…
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Remote Desktop failed logon event 4625 not logging IP address on 2008 Terminal Services server

When I use the new remote desktop with ssl and try to log on with bad credentials it logs a 4625 event as expected. The problem is, it doesn't log the ip address, so I can't block malicious logons in our firewall. The event looks like this:
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3 answers

Change DPI of one user using W2K3 Remote Desktop / Terminal Server

In short: How do I increase the DPI of some (not all) of our customers connected to our RDP server? We are running a W2K3 Terminal Server that our clients connect to to run our application. One of our clients complains that all fonts / icons etc…
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1 answer

Do you have to run Remote Desktop to access Terminal Services?

One of our clients want to run MYOB (an accounting desktop application) over Terminal Services (that's what's recommended by MYOB themselves for multi-user access). I have no previous experience with TS and have the (probably stupid) following…
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4 answers

Run RDP Session with only 1 Program

I'm running a Windows Server 2008 box and would like to have users login via RDP, but only be able to run 1 program and if they close the program, to log off the session. Is this possible? The clients will be connecting from WinXP SP3…
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10 answers

"The logon attempt failed" for TS (RD) Gateway Authentication

I've been using TS Gateway to permit remote access for our staff for a few months now, and all has been well. Users either connect to a traditional terminal server desktop or hit our website and start an TS RemoteApp application- in both cases the…
9 answers

Word 2007 crashes on Server 2008 R2 terminal services

We are finding that Word 2007 (with SP2) crashes when used on a Windows 2008 R2 terminal server. Typically it crashes when you click File/Open or File/Save, but not every time. Maybe one time in four, and just to be really confusing, on a test…
3 answers

Windows Terminal Server printer selection dialog delayed in Microsoft Office

My terminal server users experience a delay when selecting printers from MS Office applications to be printed to network printers. Everything stalls on: Finding available printers... The environment is a 4-server Windows 2008 R2 RDS farm. The…
3 answers

Windows Server 2012 - Force Terminaluser to logoff

We provide several Remote Desktop Services (RDS) and one of the connected user can't start any RDS anymore. How can I force logoff of that user? What I already tried: I tried logging in as domain admin on the Terminal Server the user is connected to…
2 answers

Terminal Server - Group Policy prevent command line

I have a Windows 2008 Terminal Server. Terminal Server Configuration(licence server, session broker, etc) is managed by group policy. If i want to disable logon via: change logon /disable The Error Message: "Connections are currently ENABLED by…
1 answer

Win2k3 Terminal Services ErrorID 7024

We had an issue on a Win2K3 server yesterday where nobody could connect (not even from a console) We only have the admin-mode terminal services enabled. From a different PC on the same network, I checked Terminal Services and there was a list of…
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2 answers

Where do files go if I lose a Remote Desktop session?

Where do files go if I lose a Terminal Services session and could reconnect until after my session had expired? Are they lost in the ether or would Windows save them somewhere? Not sure if this matters, but I was working on a text file in Notepad…
3 answers

Terminal Services Explained

Can someone cleanly delineate the following services/roles for me? I'm lost in the MS TechNet explanations. Terminal Services Web Access Terminal Services Gateway Terminal Services Remote App What are the pros/cons of each, especially from a…
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6 answers

Unable to logon using terminal server connection

I have several W2K3 SP2 servers, admin TS enabled. I discovered this morning, I was unable to logon into some of them. I've a couple of Citrix servers in different farms, a SAP (IA64) app server and a cvs server. All of them show same sympthoms;…
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3 answers

Remote Desktop Client toolbar default to pinned

One of our remote desktop client users likes to have the title bar always displayed. She used to be able to click the "tack" and pin the title bar down. However, the system is no longer remembering that setting. She has to pin the title bar each…
Andrew S
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