Questions tagged [terminal-server]

a device that terminates serial connections and provides a way for those terminals to connect to services across the network. Terminal servers can also connect modems to the network providing for PPP service aka dial-up Internet.

482 questions
2 answers

What did this do?

I found this line cut -d: -f1 /etc/passwd as the first command used by root on my server. I think it looks like someone wanted to disable the user accounts somehow, but I'm having trouble making everything else work now. Does anyone know what it…
2 answers

We develop an app and what kind of hostings/servers do we need?

We develop an app. Our app need to connect through RDP protocol to server (so, server should have RDP server running on it, as I think). Server need to launch Firefox (specifically configured) for each connected client in kiosk mode (session should…
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