Questions tagged [svn]

The acronym SVN stands for Subversion, a very common and popular Version Control System.

The acronym SVN stands for Subversion, a very common and popular Version Control System.

The subversion book is an excellent reference, source it in your SVN answers! Please link to the latest stable release of the book. Links to the nightly build will eventually break when sections in the book are reorganized.

1329 questions
2 answers

Multiple subversion servers

I have a subversion server in my ubuntu box. But with many projects (a big one but with 4 apps concurrently and in differents languages) I would prefer to have a different subversion server for each one, but in the same box. Could it be…
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Why can't I view my repositories in Subversion?

I just installed Subversion (from CollabNet) on a Windows 2008 machine. I created a test repo named, 'test`. Using TortoiseSVN, I can browse to this URL: http://dev1-new/svn/test But I can not browse to: http://dev1-new/svn The error I get…
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6 answers

Is it a good idea to install Subversion on a production server?

Is it a good idea to install Subversion on a production server?
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SVN: creating a repo from existing repos directory

I have a repo containing lots of projects as folders, now I have possibility to separate them. So each directory is actually a separate repo. I dont have access to current servers ssh, so I can't use svnadmin. The question is: how do I create repos…
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RANCID, but for arbitrary server configuration files

Does anyone have advice on such a beast? I would prefer not to have to install additional software on my AIX machines, so etckeeper isn't ideal. It's also not centralized, based on my quick reading. Ideally, I would like something that runs under…
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Hardware Specs for Apache/SVN Server With High Transaction Level

I have to ask my company to assemble an svn server with apache. The transaction level is quite high. In fact today I was having problems with it with the current server, and I don't know if the issue is the bandwidth, because the processor never…
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1 answer

svn: PUT 403 Forbidden on commit

I have a new repository on a new server that uses CentOS and has CPanel for management. Getting SVN to work with CPanel was a pain but now it works ok, I can create repositories, I can checkout and I can see the repositories in browser. I can even…
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2 answers

svn list password ?

please how i can give "svn list" password as argumant ... because when i execute this command it require password .... i want it without password
Mohammad AL-Rawabdeh
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1 answer

How to bring changes from subversion repo to current directory

For bash command on linux. I was thinking perhaps svn import but not sure.
1 answer

How do I chain an svn checkout over ssh?

Say I have an svn host on a private network that we will call my_work_svn. I cannot access this from externally but I can access it from a machine which we will call my_work_ssh (and assume I am working from a computer called my_home). Now If I want…
Mike H-R
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1 answer

How to resolve a file cannot be larger than the value set by ulimit in SVN?

I was trying to do a backup for my SVN repository in AIX through following command: svnadmin dump > dump_file and also this command: svnrdump dump > dump_file but failed with this error: E000027: Can't write to stream: A file cannot…
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1 answer

Cant access SVN Server even locally

I have installed VisualSVN Server 2.5.8 and Tortoise SVN 1.7.11. My repositories are added to the SVN and can be seen in VisualSVN Server Manager. However, I am not able to access the repository by browsing the URL or by right clicking on the…
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1 answer

Commit to Assembla SVN from site5 client gives "(405 Method Not Allowed) in response to MKCOL request"

I am hosting my website on site5. Some files have changed, and I use svn to checkin those changes from my development environment and from the website. My svn server is assembla. I am trying to commit files that are on my web hosting server (site5).…
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1 answer

i want a subversion server in my wamp server?

i want to setup a subversion server in my home. i installed a wamp server in My PC. but little bit confused to install subversion. i have windows 7, 32-bit as operating system and Intel Core-IV processor with 4 GB RAM. when i install usvn i get…
JK Patel
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3 answers

error when start Subversion Server in UberSVN

I'm using uberSVN on Ubuntu server. Now, I can't checkout, commit source from Subversion Server (, port subversion) I tried to start httpd by command line as: sudo /opt/ubersvn/bin/httpdserverctl start , but I get error: httpd:…
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