Questions tagged [svn]

The acronym SVN stands for Subversion, a very common and popular Version Control System.

The acronym SVN stands for Subversion, a very common and popular Version Control System.

The subversion book is an excellent reference, source it in your SVN answers! Please link to the latest stable release of the book. Links to the nightly build will eventually break when sections in the book are reorganized.

1329 questions
5 answers

SVN: Where is my repository?

I'm trying to backup my SVN respository. My problem: I forgot where I put my repository on the hard disk. How can I find this? FYI: I'm using TortoiseSVN if that helps.
Jim G.
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8 answers

Difference between using crontab and /etc/cron.hourly,daily,weekly

I have a scheduled script that does an hourly svnsync backup of our Subversion repositories. I was running it from an entry in the root crontab without problems, but decided I'd like to run it from /etc/cron.hourly instead for extra visibility (and…
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6 answers

TortoiseSVN missing file in update

We have occasionally had a problem with TortoiseSVN (I assume it's Tortoise and not our SVN repository), where a file will be checked in to the repository (doing a repo-browser you can see the files there), and will exist for the person who…
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2 answers

apache auth: combination of LDAP and htpasswd

We're using Apache with mod_svn to serve the subversion repo. Apache is hooked to an LDAP server so all users can use their domain passwords. For the build machine to be able to checkout, I want to have an extra user, but I can't add via LDAP. Can…
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3 answers

How can I switch an existing set of Subversion repositories to use ActiveDirectory? (svnserve/windows)

I have a set of private Subversion repositories on a Windows Server 2003 box which developers access via SVNServe over the svn:// protocol. Currently we have been using the authz and passwd files for each repository to control access however with…
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2 answers

improve our deployment strategy

We have an ecommerce app that we develop at our company. Its a reasonably standard LAMP application that we have been developing on and off for about 3 years. We develop the application on a testing domain, here we add new features and fix bugs etc.…
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2 answers

svn: E170000: Unrecognized URL scheme for httpxxxx

Looks like the custom built svn doesn't work for http URLs. After searching online, I understood that I need to install neon libraries which I did. After installing neon when i am building the subversion it fails at make. I tried clean and again…
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2 answers

Add folder to SVN repository without checking out or committing?

When using something like TortoiseSVN, you can use it's repo-browser to browse repositories and do stuff. One thing you can do is create directories in the repository. Normally you would have to checkout the repo, then create and add the directories…
Jake Wilson
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3 answers

git vs Subversion - pros and cons

I have been a user of SVN for many years now and I can't say I am totally happy about it. Few days ago my partner asked me to take a look at git saying that "it has better performance, easier merging and branching." I've been reading some git vs.…
Adam Benayoun
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1 answer

Stopping Microsoft Office 2010 from integrating with Subversion server as if it's Sharepoint

We have an Apache Subversion server that we store (amongst other things) all of our documentation on. We have a lot of Word, Excel, PDF etc. documents in svn, and all of our users use TortoiseSVN as their client interface. A lot of those users will…
5 answers

SVN client authentication error

I have the following error when ever I try to connect to a SVN server on my network: Could not authenticate to server: rejected Basic challenge Can anyone help?
4 answers

Subversion path differences for svn and svn+ssh

[02:48][root@server:~] ps ax | grep svn 23986 ? Ss 0:00 /usr/bin/svnserve -d -r /srv/svn As you see from arguments my svn root dir is /srv/svn. Now, some magic from remote machine... This works: > svn co…
Andrejs Cainikovs
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7 answers

Best way to do Subversion backups?

What is the best way to do Subversion backups (on a Debian based server). Is it to use svnadmin? svnadmin dump /path/to/reponame > reponame.dump Or maybe just to tar the dir where the repositories are? tar -cvzf svn.backup.tar.gz…
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5 answers

E-mail notifications of SVN commits

Do you have any recommendations for a relatively turn-key SVN checkin notification system? I'm looking for something that allows a summary of repository files changed and the contents of the actual diffs to be sent to all members of a development…
Alex Balashov
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3 answers

"SSL error parse tlsext" on large commit to SVN via Apache, Gentoo

This happens only on large commit (resulting in a failed commit): Revelant section from virtual host config in Apache Require valid-user Dav svn SVNPath /home/svn/ Commit…
Karolis T.
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