Questions tagged [static-ip]

A static IP address is assigned to a device on a permanent basis. The IP address is not expected to change frequently or at all. This addressing method is commonly used for servers and other devices for which the address must be well-known.

A static IP address is assigned to a device on a permanent basis. The IP address is not expected to change frequently or at all. This addressing method is commonly used for servers and other devices for which the address must be well-known.

313 questions
1 answer

Impossible to change subnet in Ubuntu

I need a little help, I had setup a VPN server on my Ubuntu Server 20.04 (with GUI) (Actually, I’m using Ubuntu Desktop as server) and to avoid conflicts with the default gateways of other routers outside my network when I connect to the VPN, I…
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Autoscaling with Google Compute Engine with Static IP pointing to domain name

I am looking to add autoscaling to my Google Compute Engine via the instructions I have found here: My original Compute Engine instance has a static ip and I have the domain (example:…
1 answer

HAProxy + OpenVPN retain real IP of client

Setup HAProxy tcp mode with OpenVPN servers as backend, all on the same machine Problem OpenVPN shows localhost IP instead of real IP of client in status Question Is there any method to retain the real IP of the connected client? If not, is there…
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How do I assign multiple dedicated IPs to my Openvpn server's clients?

I have a server (CentOS 8) with Openvpn 2.4 setup on it, and I want to assign dedicated IPs to each of my clients, so they always get the same dedicated IP each time they log in, How can I approach this? Thanks in advance
Alex Aref
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2 answers

Unable to reach host with static ip and gateway is vlan - Debian 10

I have been trying to get static ip working on a Debian 10 install. The server is to operate in a VLAN separate from any other network. The VLAN id according to the router interface is 3. The router model is Pakedge RE-2. The router…
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1 answer

Run nginx in static IP of server

Sorry for my bad English, I can't explain it well. I have a VPS with Windows Server 2012 with Nginx and run a Node server at port 4000 and React client at port 3000. In remote desktop website run at localhost address but when I use static IP of…
2 answers

Access static web-server through managed switch

I have three devices: Windows PC Managed switch: D-Link DGS-1510-20 Linux Webserver with static IP Schematic How do I configure the switch to access the static IP webserver from the Windows PC through the switch in a local Network? (complete…
1 answer

Permanently remove interface ipv6 address

I am running Ubuntu servers 16.04.5 LTS in virtual box. The servers are connected with an internal network to which want to assigne an IPv6 address range fd01:2345:6789:abcd::/64. The interface connected to this internal network is enp0s8. To the…
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2 answers

Changed network connection for Windows server running on Google Cloud and can't connect

So I changed the IP for my windows server 2012 running on Google Cloud Platform in network sharing center and "tab" the subnet mask which was and I got disconnected from the server and I can't reconnect! Is it possible to get the auto IP…
2 answers

How and why should I serve a 404 when my site's static ip is directly requested?

I am trying to improve the production environment on my website's server. I notice that many sites do not have an IP address that is directly accessible, yet it looks like my site's IP is accessible. For example: [lucas]$ nslookup…
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2 answers

Is it possible to point multiple domains to multiple static IP's on a single system?

I'm currently running the latest version of Ubuntu Server. I currently am pointing my subdomain to my static IP address. I have 5 static IP's and I'm wondering how I could use all static IP's at once so I can give each domain its own IP. If not, is…
1 answer

Cannot ping, neither can use the server as the DNS. but can ssh to the server from any IP address

I have a server that holds my server services. I'm able to ssh to the server: ssh enter password: root@example:# But, I can't ping the server: $ ping PING ( data bytes Request timeout for…
Vijit Jain
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3 answers

Set static IP to a server behind the NAT

In my company, we just bought a server and now we want to set a static IP to it. Well, I've contacted my ISP and they said that they can give me static IP. So far, so good. My question is, where should I point this IP? Should it point to a router…
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3 answers

Need a stable IP to ssh from

This is probably a dumb question as I am a developer rather that a sysadmin, but here is my situation: I have a client for whom I created a site hosted on a server in the cloud. I configured hosts.deny to deny all and hosts.allow to accept only…
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2 answers

VPN To Provide A Static IP Address

We are developing on a server with a client whose network does not have a VPN and restricts access to the server by a whitelist IP list. Many of our team members do not have static IP addresses as they are fairly mobile and many are working from…