
HAProxy tcp mode with OpenVPN servers as backend, all on the same machine


OpenVPN shows localhost IP instead of real IP of client in status


  • Is there any method to retain the real IP of the connected client?
  • If not, is there any way to at least log the real IP in HAProxy? Or control it via a hook?
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  • Why use TCP proxy at all? OpenVPN will be slower in TCP mode than UDP - more round trips, because you encapsulate TCP in TCP. As for logging, yes, haproxy can log real IP of clients. `mode tcp` and `option tcplog` will help you start. – tbielaszewski Oct 06 '20 at 17:11
  • My use case forces me to use TCP with the devices I'm connecting to. – f.farah Oct 07 '20 at 04:48

1 Answers1


If you want the real IP on your OpenVPN Server you should take a look to haproxy's transparent proxy mode. You need to route also the return traffic through your haproxy.

As already mentioned, you can log the connections with tcplog.

And I also would recommend to use OpenVPN with UDP .

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