Questions tagged [startup-scripts]

121 questions
1 answer

Shutdown instance in startup script takes long time

I've added a bash script in instance metadata which performs some tests and then runs the following command at the end of the script. shutdown -h now The instance and image is after removed, by the "spawning script". The instance becomes…
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Error running a startup-script: home environment variable not set in redhat instance running on GCP

I'm having trouble to understand the shell environement that is used to run startup scripts. What difference with a login session? If I set a simple starup script to print the env variables: metadata items: - key: startup-script value: '…
0 answers

Is it possible to get systemd to monitor a process that it does not start?

Some of our startup scripts have an ExecStart line that runs a curl command to start jobs from our Jenkins build server. Systemd does not know anything about the job that is started as a result of the curl command and therefore cannot give us a…
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running scripts that have sudo in it as sudo at startup?

I have a script that I want to run on startup. This script launches vms using sudo VBoxManage. How can I a) Execute this vm start script on the computer startup and b) make sure the sudos don't need me to actually type in a password. I figured…
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System Account Access to Domain Share

Good morning. I'm trying to create a PowerShell startup script via Group Policy. I set the group policy and directed it to the location of the script. \ \server\c$\share\script.ps1 After applying the GPO to the OU I want it to target for testing, I…
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GCE Ubuntu Multi-Interface Instance Route Configuration

I'm running an Ubuntu 16.04 instance with multiple interfaces. I'm looking to configure some routes on the 2nd interface. While I can do this manually, that does not persist with a reboot. Most methods suggest defining routes with the interface…
3 answers

Unable to start a script at startup ubuntu

I am trying to execute one script at startup on ubuntu 16.04 LTS desktop. I have added my script to /etc/init.d location. But after restart I am unable to see my script running using pidof -s pgd Once I execute this command sudo service run_pgd…
Lokesh Pandey
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Right network interface autodetect and get dhcp while boot

While preparing the mini forensic system I hung on a problem: Let us imagine, we prepare a usb-flash booted linux for lot of diferent workstations. While setting up the network (ipv4 dhcp) we can find more than one LAN interfaces, and someone is…
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Windows 10 Hibernate Boot let's suspend (Powershell) Script execution at Startup

I am intensively working with Powershell Scripts which are executed at startup (local machine, not logon). I had some problems to troubleshoot like "Wait for network" or replication failures between our domain controllers that prevented sometimes…
1 answer

Debain Start Up Script - Google Cloud

so I would like to know how to create a script the performs three basic commands. sudo su - Admin cd ~/AMP ./ampinstmgr -a This is what I got, I have also given it 777 perms. #! /bin/sh # /etc/init.d/ # # Some things that run…
4 answers

Running a bash script as root on boot

i have a script that calculate an ip address (using gateway address) than change, the script work when i launch it manually with sudo sudo ./ i want this script to run during bootup time i sudo cp…
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Clamav TCP 3310 setup Debian

I've run into this problem which is weird. I'm using Debian jessie I have setup clamav to listen also on port 3310 with the TCPSocket 3310 option. After saving the changes to the config file I restart the daemon with service clamav-daemon restart…
Fabrizio Mazzoni
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Ubuntu-Server Does Not Present Logon After Executing rc.local Script

UPDATE: I completely commented out the rc.local script and the problem still persists. This time though, it seems like the boot process has made it further than before. It's still getting hung though. I don't have enough rep to post a photo. But it…
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2 answers

How to start java application on boot

I have a server with Centos 6. I've installed an configured everything so my server application runs smoothly, however if there is any unexpected reboots I have to manually start an SSH session and start the java program that runs it. I've looked…
0 answers

How to start OpenVPN conditionally?

I need to bring up an OpenVPN connection on the condition that a site is not reachable (on numerous devices spread over several heterogeneous networks). I did not find any such feature in OpenVPN directly so I ended up with a few…
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