Questions tagged [debian-jessie]

Debian 8.0 ("Jessie") was initially released on April 26th, 2015. Long term support is available until June 30th, 2020.

Debian 8.0 ("Jessie") was initially released on April 26th, 2015. Long term support is available from the Debian LTS team until June 30th, 2020.

297 questions
3 answers

Docker: failed to add the pair interfaces (operation not supported)

After installing Docker, I am getting an error when I try to run the Hello World example: Error response from daemon: Cannot start container 4145d0fccd96b904e4ab4413735f1129b8765429bad5be71dc8d5f4c0760666d: failed to create endpoint high_saha on…
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4 answers

Cannot install openjdk-8-jre-headless on Debian Jessie

This Friday I saw that I had 2 held back packages for some reason when I ran apt-get upgrade, so naturally I did what any inexperienced sysadmin would do and uninstalled the packages in the hopes that I could simply re-install them and the problem…
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7 answers

How to back up a running Linode server?

We want to take a backup of everything on our Debian server, which is running remotely on the other side of the world (hosted by Linode), without shutting it down. This system is running shell, email, XMPP/prosody and web, with a couple of simple…
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7 answers

Supervisor sock file missing

I installed Supervisor (v3.1.2) to manage ElastAlert but when I run supervisorctl it sometimes throws this error: unix:///var/run/supervisor.sock no such file and other times it throws this error: unix:///tmp/supervisor.sock no such file I'll note…
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3 answers

Debian 8 : No LSB modules are available

When I run lsb_release on Debian 8, following error is appeared: No LSB modules are available. Is there any missing file causes this problem?
Reza Fallahpour
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2 answers

Restarting networking on Debian Jessie

I would like to know which is the right method to restart networking service in Debian Jessie. I know that I can use: service networking restart or /etc/init.d/networking restart that anyway gave me problems on ssh connection, or invoke-rc.d…
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6 answers

Debian jessie nginx with openssl 1.0.2 to use ALPN rather than NPN

I am running debian jessie on my server and recently upgraded to new nginx web server with http/2 support (nginx 1.10). As today, it works great and webserver is delivering content with http2 protocol. I have read, that chrome is dropping NPN…
Juraj Nemec
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3 answers

systemd's journalctl: how to filter by message?

journalctl looks like a great tool for looking through logs, but I'm stuck on what feels like a simple ask: I want to see all cron messages that contain the phrase update-ipsets. Of course I can do this journalctl -u cron.service | grep…
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2 answers

PostgreSQL exits after being started

My PostgreSQL 9.5 server on Debian 8 (Jessie) keeps exiting directly after being started via service postgresql start: # service postgresql status ● postgresql.service - PostgreSQL RDBMS Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/postgresql.service;…
Florian Brucker
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1 answer

OpenDKIM not signing mail

So I'm having trouble with getting OpenDKIM to sign my messages, but I'm hitting a wall as to what might causing it: On Debian Jessie, with Postfix and OpenDKIM. My /etc/opendkim.conf: Syslog yes SyslogSuccess Yes LogWhy…
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3 answers

LFTP: certificate common name doesn't match requested host name

Using lftp to upload files to a remote server from two computers on my network. Using the exact same code this works fine on one and doesn't work on the other. Transcripts of a problem session and a successful session are shown below. The error that…
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2 answers

How to add new persistent disk without rebooting the server?

I've got a running instance on GCP and would like to add another persistent disk into it. But it will not show up. It's an n1-standard-1 instance with a 10 GB storage (named s03). I created another storage disk-1 and mounted it. Then I created…
1 answer

delete rsnapshot directories

Looking to move from rsnapshot backups to something like backupninja. I'm having trouble finding a definitive answer on how to delete the rsnapshot backups. From what I understand many of the files are hard links and not actual copies. How can I…
Andrew Grothe
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1 answer

Debian Jessie samba start on boot

I'm having issues starting samba on boot on Debian Jessie. I do not understand how to do it as it seems that the samba script wrapper is deliberately made not to work. I tried to issue a update-rc.d samba defaults but it will not modify the system…
Fabrizio Mazzoni
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3 answers

Is there a way to keep ClamAV updated on Debian 8?

Since upgrading to Debian 8 my syslog is full of ...freshclam[17851]: WARNING: Your ClamAV installation is OUTDATED! ...freshclam[17851]: WARNING: Local version: 0.98.7 Recommended version: 0.99 ...freshclam[17851]: DON'T PANIC! Read…
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