Questions tagged [startup-scripts]

121 questions
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Why is my Cloudformation script not starting apache?

I'm trying to create an instance to run apache, and everything seems to be working, but the web server is not being started. It starts up fine manually. If I reboot the instance, it does not automatically start the web server. My Resources section…
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Deploy multiple office products using startup scripts

I need to deploy MS Visio 2010 and MS Project 2010 to users that belong to a specific security group. Most of the time users will only need one or the other, but on occasion they will need both. The issue that I'm running into is that multiple…
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startup script not executing on amazon linux

i'm trying to forward syslog to which requires a line added to /etc/rsyslog.conf , so far so good. however, i'm running on amazon elastic beanstalk and have 3 environments (dev,staging,prod) that i'd like to route to different ports…
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Uninstalling software via startup script in AD

There is an antivirus package that exists on most of our machines that needs to be removed. I did not deploy this software and it was not deployed via GPO - it was installed manually by the previous administrator on each machine. So, I do not think…
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Is it possible to embed TCL directly into a Cisco startup-config?

Is it possible to embed TCL directly into a Cisco startup-config? From the (lack of) information I'm finding, it doesn't look do-able. I have a tool that generates Cisco configurations based on some simple criteria. I'd like to include in this…
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Group policy startup script needs elevated priviledges

I have a script that I want to run at startup but that requires elevated priviledges. Is there a way of doing this with Group Policy? I tried adding it in as a startup script using GPO but it doesn't appear to run. If I run it from a standard cmd…
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GPO startup script not copying files

I created a GPO startup script to execute for computers in a specific AD container. The script takes a file from the AD netlogon share and places it on a directory on the computer. Given the right permissions (ie: myself) can execute the script…
3 answers

Start Linux scripts sequentially with blocking

I want to create a script to start two different scripts in sequence. The first script start an application server, which although the process has started (and i'm back at the prompt), it will only accept connection after a 'certain' message in its…
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Ubuntu 9.10: how do I troubleshoot a startup script that doesn't appear to run?

I've created a bash script 'foo'. I've made that script executable with chmod+x and added it the the start-up by running sudo update-rc.d foo defaults 80 Despite that, it doesn't appear to be working at startup. Is there a way to have my script…
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ActiveDirectory Startup/Shutdown PowerShell Script not being executed, failing silently

Environment Windows Server 2012 domain Windows 10 version 2004 client I'm trying to deploy an ActiveDirectory Startup or Shutdown powershell script on a test OU to update VLC Media Player and I can't figure out why the powershell isn't…
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MongoDB rc.d script for FreeBSD

I want to start MongoDB (aka mondgod) as a service under FreeBSD. I have the following in rc.conf: mongod_enable="YES" mongod_config="/usr/local/etc/mongodb.conf" mongod_dpath="/var/db/mongod" But service mongodb stop (and mongod) give me: mongod…
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Server 2008R2, startup/shutdown powershell scripts in gpedit.msc not working and not appearing in registry. Script works manually. No domain involved

It's a fully updated 2008 R2 box running WMF 5.1. I've got a powershell script that, under normal circumstances, e-mails me on startup or shutdown. It's working fine on a different 2008 R2 box. On this new build, however, I'm not getting the e-mails…
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Crontab vs init.d which one to use for Startup Script?

I have a script that start my docker service and starts my container on RHEL7.3 machine when system reboots. Two ways are working for me: 1) Add script to rc.local 2) Add to crontab -e with path to my script. Which one is better for me as both are…
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init script for zookeeper

i have seen that the developers of zookeeper have a great script to start,stop, restart etc zookeeper, but i have no idea why in the world they decided to skip init script to use. With the script no way to set zookeeper to…
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Start script are not cleared table of processes

I have a proxy server, all ok. But, i have some problems & questions. First: when i make "/etc/init.d/nginx stop" or "/etc/init.d/nginx restart", of my config, it not reload and all nginx process are not killed. My script: case "$1" in start) echo…
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