Questions tagged [startup-scripts]

121 questions
3 answers

Need a script that runs every OSX server restarts

I need to run a script every time my OSX server (10.5.8) the server restarts. The closest I could find was to add the script to my login items but this would only apply to one use and I need this script to be run whenever the server restarts to…
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Where do I put a startup and shutdown task?

I have written the below program to notify me by email when my Linux system has been rebooted from a power failure. The way I do this is enableing power-fail recovery in the BIOS, and then register in a SQlite database every time the computer has…
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Google Cloud VM startup-script to change ssh port

After changing port i'm unable to login SSH Extremely large packet length from remote suggests data stream corruption firewall already open for that port Now i wanted to try revert ssh port to 22 Can I do it with google startup-script and if yes,…
1 answer

GCE - Startup script - Can't use metadata anymore

Good evening, I've been trying to modify my Instance Startup script in Google Compute Engine, nevertheless with a new version of GCE (probably Dec 2021 or Nov 2021) the display has changed. Moveover it seems like we can't use a "startup-script"…
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Running Powershell scripts pushed from AD GPO as admin on domain computers

Needed some help getting a simple task done at work. I have about 30 machines in my work domain that i want to run a power-shell script on at startup. I have created a GPO that runs the script on all machines at startup and all machines have the GPO…
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running batch file as administrator privilege in clients with gpo(scripts/logon)

I want to run a batch file on all my domain clients via gpo(scripts/logon), but the problem is that to run a batch file, administrator privilege is required. I wanted to know is there any command or script to put the username and password of the…
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GPO to detect if application is installed, if not install it and then create log file

@echo off IF NOT EXIST "C:\Program Files\APPLICATION_DIR" ( msiexec /q /i "" LICENSE_KEY="LICENSE_KEY_GOES_HERE" && echo APPLICATION_NAME script install on %computername% >>…
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Startup Script to Uninstall Google Chrome Not Working

I'm working with our sysadmin to uninstall Google Chrome on our network, which we manage via GPO. As it has been installed by the users themselves, by a GPO (which is now deleted) and manually by the IT Department, we thought that the best option is…
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GPO Script - Logging/Tracking user acceptance - Windows Workstations

I am a developer with no prior experience with GPO scripting. I have a request to create a user acceptance policy that is logged when user accept it. (about 1000 Windows workstations in an AD domain) What I know so far is that creating a GPO script,…
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Execute a script while boot up in RHEL7, not working

I have created below script in RHEL 7.6, but unfortunately getting EXEC format error. When i execute the command from working directory it's working fine. below is the service file which was created at /etc/systemd/system/zauto.service vi…
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Clients looking for GPO login script on my personal computer instead of doing it on the DC?

This is kinda weird. I have the Group Policy Management console installed on my Windows 7 workstation and I configure policies from there. Sometimes I do it directly on a domain controller, but most of the time I work with my management console. The…
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Sturtup script questions - will runas cmd allow app to be seen by user upon login?

I need to create a startup script on a server that is live in production, so unfortunately I don't have the luxury of trial and error. I need to start an application upon server bootup that is run as a particular service account. I need the same…
1 answer

How can i create a startup script with sles 11?

I have a problem in one of my servers. I have a SLES 11 server and I have bond (bond0) two ethernet cards (eth0 and eth1). i setup mtu to be 9000 on all interfaces. When i reboot the server the mtu change to the default value 1500 and i have to run…
Spiros P
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Spawned Process Terminated in GP Startup Script

I have a Group Policy Startup Script which runs synchronously. I now need this script to run one process asynchronously. So far I have managed to get the spawned process running via the command below, however once the rest of the script finishes and…
2 answers

trigger a autologon from computer startup script

I am looking for a way, to automatically logon a User from computer startup script, without rebooting the machine. I know, I can write in HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon... Keys or use Sysinternals autologon.exe, but this…
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