Questions tagged [startup-scripts]

121 questions
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Is it safe to remove the Bash Shell startup files for Samba user accounts?

I'm in the process of setting up Samba shares for a SOHO network and would like to know whether or not it is safe/advisable to remove a Samba user's Bash Shell startup files (i.e. .bash_logout, .bash_rc, .profile). Provided that the respective users…
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Apache and MySQL doesn't start at boot

I am running Debian 6 on a server. On this server I want to have an instance of Apache2 and MySQL started when the system boots. For this purpose I know there are the init.d script and the symbolic links in the rc.d directories. I can check the…
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Filtering GPO's Based on Computer Account Security Group

So, I have a GPO, which runs a quick start up script to delete locally installed IP printers from all machines on our AD domain during computer start up. This works great...the issue appears when we try to exempt a few machines from this (a few…
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Permanently change hostname of Debian Squeeze virtual server

I have a virtual server running Debian Squeeze. I can change the hostname by running the hostname command or by editing /etc/hostname and then running /etc/init.d/, but after a reboot the hostname will be reset to the…
4 answers

Can a GPO Startup Script starts a background process and exit immediately?

I have Googled, and not yet found an answer. Scenario: One of my GPOs have a Startup Script that takes a long time to finish. For some reasons, we have to run the scripts synchronously. Naturally, this causes slow startup time (sometimes as long as…
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Office 2007 Installer Not Logging When Run During Startup Script

I'm using a startup script to deploy Microsoft Office 2007 Standard. It's not working quite right and I'm trying to find logging information for it. Unfortunately, no log is being generated by setup. I've tried configuring the log at %temp%\, C:\,…
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Process in rc.local does not seem to run -- where to see?

I want to run a process in rc.local (Ubuntu Natty) but I am having trouble determining if it has run. I added /bin/sleep 10 /usr/bin/killall PassengerWatchdog /bin/echo "Killall returned with code $?" The file has the execute bit set. The script…
Tom Harrison Jr
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3 answers

Update saved password for basic authentication using a script

I have a website that uses basic authentication as described on this webpage. Each of the computers I manage have the password saved in their browser. There is only one username and password for this. After someone logs in to the site this way,…
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control which version of PostgreSQL starts

I have three versions of Postgres (8.4, 9.0, 9.1) running on my Ubuntu box. Each version is configured to listen on a different port. When I reboot the machine, only the 9.0 version starts automatically. I can start the other versions manually via…
Chris Curvey
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5 answers

Windows : Only Run Install Startup Script if Directory Doesn't Exist

I want to install some programs via a startup script, but once it has run for the first time it'll just reinstall wasting time and overwriting. It's a Server 2008 R2. Somewhere I found this IF NOT "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Security Client"=="" ( …
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Group Policy Startup Script Not Working

I have a startup script on my server that is suppose to run at startup and install Office 2010 on my workstation computer however it is not working. Running rsop.msc it shows that the startup script is being called on the workstation computer. The…
Mike Hagstrom
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Running Script on EC2 Boot

I want to mount my EBS volume and start up the Apache/MySQL servers on my EC2 machine, but I can't even get my script to run at startup. I've tried putting it in: /etc/init.d/ /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/ /etc/rc.local None of them are working... Where should I…
Andrew M
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EC2 startup script?

We're using Amazon's 32-bit Linux AMI. What is the best way to automatically run a script after the OS is loaded (not on ssh login, just after it has booted up)?
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Apple Mac Startup Scripts

I'm running Mac 10.6 (Snow Leopard). I would like to have a shell script that handles some routing/vpn and server tasks executed on Machine startup. This script should be preferably executed before the user logs in but as long as it is backgrounded…
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Running script as user with root permissions

Due to conflicting and constantly changing permissions on mounted drives (which cannot easily be solved due to the development structure of programs), there is a script that must be run with root permissions. This can be done with sudo…
Mark Deven
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