Questions tagged [sqlite]

SQLite is an in-process library that implements a self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQL database engine.

SQLite is an embedded SQL database engine. Unlike most other SQL databases, SQLite does not have a separate server process. SQLite reads and writes directly to ordinary disk files. A complete SQL database with multiple tables, indices, triggers, and views, is contained in a single disk file. The database file format is cross-platform - you can freely copy a database between 32-bit and 64-bit systems or between big-endian and little-endian architectures. These features make SQLite a popular choice as an Application File Format.

Think of SQLite not as a replacement for Oracle but as a replacement for fopen()

Executive Summary

102 questions
1 answer

SQLite WAL concurrent write performance on UNIX systems

I have two setups: one runs on windows 10 (ntfs partition), the other on debian (ext4 partition). The R source code is the same. The main process starts 8 child-processes (P-SOCKS) -- on 8 vcores -- which all query and write to the same WAL enabled…
0 answers

How can I setup an SQLite database for serverless Cloud Functions?

I have some Serverless Lambda Functions and I would like to host an SQLite database with about a GB of data for free or very cheaply (1 USD per month). My initial thought is to use Amazon Elastic File System or an EFS like service but I'm not sure…
1 answer

Ubuntu 14.04 php7.1 sqlite driver could not find to install

My Laravel application has test environment to run on sqlite database but it's says the driver is missing and I could not find any solution to install the driver. Would someone help? I have the following PDO exception: $ php artisan migrate…
0 answers

Update SQLite3 in PHP

I just checked my server's PHP 7.3.8 SQLite and its way old, 3.7.17, compared to the latest SQLite 3.29.0. Is there a stable way to include the new sqlite into PHP? PHP.INI doesn't have any information as to if is included as an…
Michael Chourdakis
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ASP .NET CORE 2.0 web application on IIS showing sqlite error 14 "unable to open database file"

So I had run into a problem when I attempted to host a web application. Everything works fine in visual studio and when I use IIS express for debugging, but when I publish it and upload it to my server to be hosted this error pops up (title). I am…
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How to convert a MediaWiki installation using MySQL to SQLite?

We're running a small own MediaWiki installation based on MySQL here. For simplicity reasons it would be great to convert this installation to an SQLite variant as it then would not require a separate data base instance. What I'm looking for is a…
Regis May
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1 answer

How to update sqlite3 from python?

How to update sqlite3 from python? I am having problems with the old version of Slite3 for python3.6. I need to upgrade for version 3.22.0 or last root@server01# python3.6m Python 3.6.7 (default, Dec 5 2018, 15:02:16) [GCC 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat…
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1 answer

JDBCRealm can't find sqlite file

My authentication fails with java.sql.SQLException: no such table: credentials where credentials is the name of the user/password table. I have checked the db file and the table is there. I think you also get this error when sqlite jdbc can't…
Tom A
0 answers

Fedora26 PHP 7.1.10 PDO_SQLITE Startup Warning: Unable to load dynamic library

php -v responds with : PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib64 /php/modules/' - /usr/lib64/php/modules/ undefined symbol: sqlite3_column_table_name in Unknown on line 0 PHP 7.1.10 (cli)…
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1 answer

Class 'Database\\SQLite3' not found

I've encoutered some problems with SQLite3 for PHP 7 on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. After installing the module via sudo apt-get install php-sqlite3. Now, im trying to run this code:
Felix G
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1 answer

SQLite3 is crashing the JVM

I am using sqlite-jdbc 3.7.2 when i run my application, SQLLite is crashing the JVM. It is not happening consistently but it happened twice. Please help to find the issue. A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment: SIGSEGV…
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0 answers

Does Microsoft SQL Server have something similar to 'sqlite:///:memory:'?

Python 2.7 SQLAlchemy Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 10.50.2500.0 Microsoft Analysis Services Client Tools 10.50.2500.0 Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) …
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0 answers

Upgrade SQLite Library for php 5.4

My php version is 5.4 This is what I get in phpinfo pdo_sqlite PDO Driver for SQLite 3.x enabled SQLite Library 3.6.20 I really need to update this driver. On PHP 5.3 you could do this with commands like yum install php5-sqlite, but now it…
1 answer

Deploy MySQL/MariaDB on demand in a C# application

I'm creating a lightweight bug tracker, and I'm really having difficulties with people that don't know how to deploy and connect to a MySQL database on their own. What they should do is to create their database, and run my SQL source to create the…
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2 answers

Database password error in Owncloud migrating from SQLite to MySQL/MariaDB

In a Fedora system, I need to convert the Owncloud's SQLite database into a MySQL/MariaDB database I started installing MySQL: # systemctl enable mysqld # systemctl start mysqld $ mysql_secure_installation then $ mysql -u root -p CREATE USER…
Germano Massullo
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