Questions tagged [executable]

An executable is a file that can be run on a device / computer. Those tags [service], [services], [windows-service] or [daemon] can be related, depending on how the executable is run.

An executable is a file that can be run on a device / computer. The tags , , or can be related, depending on how the executable is run.

62 questions
7 answers

How do you wait for an exe to complete in batch file?

I'm trying to create a script to execute an exe on shutdown in order to install sp1. my script goes something like (not actual bat script). If installed GOTO END Install.exe END: My problem is that when it runs, it starts the installer, then…
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3 answers

Why does Windows command prompt stalls until a key is pressed when executing long batch files or programs

I've just had two occurrences of windows 7 stalling an execution until I hit enter on the command prompt/powershell. Afterward execution seems to continue as expected. First was an batch file of copy commands like copy //host/file2010-1*xml…
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1 answer

How can I get information about a binary file that won't execute?

When I run one of my user's applications named "myfile". $ ./myfile I receive the following output bash: ./myfile: cannot execute binary file My user expects the binary file to run. I assume this is a compilation error but am unable to confirm…
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3 answers

Where can I see what calls of EXE-programs have been made (including the arguments)?

Is there any log-file within Windows where all EXE-calls are tracked or is it possible to enable such a log? Would this contain the arguments / parameters of these calls? Thanks
5 answers

Why do some admins dislike exes being executed from a server share?

I distribute a utility for developers which is designed to reside on a server share and is executed from the server on the local PC or Terminal Services/Citrix session. It does not require any admin privileges. There is no install process other…
Tony Toews
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2 answers

Rename files to add date modified to filename with Windows CMD or simple .TXT

I am attempting to rename a large batch of files to incorporate the dates in the "Date Modified" column from File Explorer into each filename in YYYYMMDD format. I was able to generate a report from the desired file folder of all the files inside…
8 answers

Bash can't start a programme that's there and has all the right permissions

This is a gentoo server. There's a programme prog that can't execute. (Yes the execute permission is set) About the file $ ls prog $ ./prog bash: ./prog: No such file or directory $ file prog prog: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1…
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2 answers

Samba/Cifs: Transferring executable permission bits to linux client

I'm trying to get my linux smb/cifs client recognize the executable bits that are set on some files on a share on a linux smb server. Here is our setup: Linux server exporting some directories via smb to clients Many windows clients accessing the…
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1 answer

Run program on "Reconnect Session"

I just implemented BackInfo on our servers, deployed via GPO. Everything is working as intended while users and administrators log on and off. Problems arise when a user disconnects and reconnects an RDP session. I don't know if it's BackInfo that…
Simon L
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2 answers

Determing the Execution Environment of Apache

I am having this error: [Mon Dec 05 10:22:23 2011] [warn] mod_rewrite: Running external rewrite maps without defining a RewriteLock is DANGEROUS! [Mon Dec 05 10:22:23 2011] [error] (13)Permission denied: mod_rewrite: could not start RewriteMap…
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3 answers

Weird executable behaviour

I have a server machine with ubuntu 9.10. I am trying to put in place an executable, which turns out to be the latest flashplayer (debugger version). Somehow the file appears as present and executable, but when launching it the console indicates…
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6 answers

Prevent users from marking files as executable?

I want to ensure that users of my system are incapable of chmodding files +x, and I do not want anything in /home/ or /var/ to be executable. I can't put them on separate partitions. Running Ubuntu 9.04 Server.
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2 answers

Running a server-side executable

I'm making a prototype webserver that needs to be able to run an executable on the server side. How do I get this to work? Do I need to set some permissions on the executable/directory? I'm stuck building this on a Windows XP machine with IIS…
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2 answers

Disable Execution of all files under directory OS X

Is it possible in OS X (Assume 10.7+) to disable execution of any file (even files in subdirectories) of a specified folder? I don't mean with chmod, but with some kind of security framework. Ideally there would be some way to apply a policy to a…
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1 answer

Distributing a custom command line tool to enterprise servers

I've been tasked with building a command line tool that we will be providing to our enterprise customers so that they can use the API to upload data to our platform. The API works with standard cURL requests, so I can do most of the basic…
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